Professional Learning in ELA and UDL
The following Professional Learning opportunities are available in ELA and UDL.
11/17/23 - Increasing Access to ELA for Students Utilizing the Principles of UDL - (Grades K‐5) – VIRTUAL Session – 11/17/23 9:00 am – 3:00pm
In this professional learning opportunity, educators will examine their own standards‐based English language arts curricular units and identify ways to implement the principles and strategies of universal design for learning (UDL), technology and accessible educational materials. Participants will identify resources and strategies that will enable them to increase access to literacy skills for all students within the framework of tiered intervention. Register now
11/28/23 - Increasing Access to ELA for Students Utilizing the Principles of UDL ‐ (Grades 6‐12) – IN-PERSON SERC 175 Union Street Waterbury – 11/28/23 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
In this professional learning opportunity, educators will examine their own standards‐based English language arts curricular units and identify ways to implement the principles and strategies of universal design for learning (UDL), technology and accessible educational materials. Participants will identify resources and strategies that will enable them to increase access to literacy skills for all students within the framework of tiered intervention. Register now
12/15/23 - Providing Access to Math for All through UDL‐ Grades K‐5 - IN-PERSON SERC 175 Union Street Waterbury – 12/15/23 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
In this professional learning activity, teachers of elementary math will be exposed to strategies and skills that will assist them in developing math skills for students, including students with disabilities. By discovering how to incorporate universal design for learning (UDL) principles into their instruction, participating teachers will be able to provide better access to the Connecticut Core Standards for Mathematics to all learners. Register now