New Haven 24-0586

Case Number:


Grade Level:


Person filing complaint


School District:

New Haven (single student)


  • Failure to provide special education and related services in accordance with the Student’s individualized education program (IEP) (34 CFR § 300.17(d)). The Parent alleged that the Student's conduct directly resulted from the school's failure to implement the Student's IEP and Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP).


  • The District did not violate 34 CFR § 300.17(d). The data related to the Student's progress on his goals and objectives related to behavioral support, the Student's final academic grades, the Student's participation in the behavior program, and the comprehensive nature of the BIP, all showed that the District's support and response to the Student's needs was appropriate. The comprehensive data contained in the Student’s record demonstrates significant and extensive responses to his behavior on the part of the school in what appears to be a timely manner. The Student consistently made satisfactory progress on the behavioral IEP goal and objectives and consistently passed his academic classes with average to above-average grades. Student engagement was evidenced by the Student’s excellent attendance rate. This data supports the implementation of the IEP and BIP.

Corrective Action(s):

  • No corrective action required.