Windsor 24-0185

Complaint Summary


December 20, 2023

Case Number:


Grade Level:


Person filing complaint:


School District:

Windsor Public Schools (single student)


  • Failing to implement the Student's IEP (34 CFR §§ 300.323(c)(2) and 300.17(d), RCSA § 10-76d-1(a)(3))


  • The reason for developing and implementing an IEP is to provide a student with a free appropriate public education (FAPE) and enable the Student to make progress that is more than di minimis and is appropriate in light of the Student’s circumstances. Despite missed ELA tutoring sessions, the Student’s program was implemented in such a manner that provided the Student FAPE as evidenced through the progress on IEP goals and objectives as well as in earned grades during the period associated with this complaint. For this reason, though it is concluded that the District was out of compliance with the provision of ELA tutoring services, there are no corrective actions for this issue.
  • Student’s IEPs demonstrate that accommodations were discussed at the Student’s PPT meetings. This is not to say that all accommodations were discussed, but the basis of the allegation is that staff did not have an understanding of the Student’s accommodations because allegedly they were not discussed at PPT meetings and this resulted in an inability to implement the accommodations with fidelity. However, the manner in which the accommodations were implemented had no substantial negative impact on the Student’s progress and therefore the District was not out of compliance.

Corrective Action(s):

  • No corrective actions