Complaint Summary
December 20, 2023
Case Number:
Grade Level:
Person filing complaint:
School District:
Vernon Public Schools (single student)
- Failure to provide in a timely way special education and related services as well as supplementary aids and services in accordance with the Student’s IEP by denying the Student access to the supplementary aid of access to a computer and failed to implement the Student’s Behavior Intervention Plan (34 CFR §§ 300.323(c)(2) and 300.17(d)); (RCSA § 10-76d-1(a)(1))
- The District is not in violation of 34 CFR §§ 300.323(c)(2) and 300.17(d), RCSA § 10-76d-1(a)(1). The Student maintained access to a computer for all classes and the classroom teacher implemented the Student’s Behavior Intervention Plan. The Student did not experience an instructional impact due to the loss of access to a computer between 8:15AM and 9:00AM. During an incident that occurred, the classroom teacher provided the Student with repetition of instruction and responded to the challenging behavior in accordance with the Student’s BIP.
Corrective Action(s):
- No corrective actions ordered.