August 28, 2024 (Executive Committee)

Regular Meeting


9:00am -

Read the Meeting Minutes

Description/Additional Comments


Meeting Minutes

Members Present: Jolie Medina (non-voting), Sean Cronin (non-voting), Jeffry Spahr (Legislative Chair), Jennifer Lussier (Vice Chair), Susan Yankee (Chair), Catherine Summ (Membership Chair) and Nachi Bhatt

Members Absent: Bryan Klimkiewicz (non-voting)

  1. Call to Order
    1. Susan Y. called meeting to order at 9:01 am.
    2. Public Comment: N/A
    3. SAC meetings are public meetings and members of the public may participate.
    4. Call-In Number: 866-880-0098
    5. Participant Code: 89689633
  2. Consent Agenda
    1. Approval of April 3 and May 1, 2024, Executive Committee Minutes
      1. Motion made by Jeffry S. and seconded by Catherine S. to move the May 1 minutes approval to next Executive Committee meeting.
      2. Motion made by Catherine and seconded by Jennifer L. to approve the April 3 meeting minutes.
      3. All in favor of approval.
  3. Committee Matters
    1. Susan Y. starts by asking members their thoughts on moving the October 18, 2024, legislative breakfast to a future date and after the elections. They are in an agreement. Will connect with Representative Comey to schedule a date. Further discussion on meeting dates.
    2. Invited Dawn D. to the Special Education Task Force Committee. Would like the Committee’s chairs to meet with the Executive Committee. Jennifer L. suggests to check with Bryan – if he feels necessary, he will direct. Sean C. responds that Bryan should be able to provide the answers and if not, he will bring in the appropriate person.
    3. Jennifer L. suggests that the by-laws be reviewed by the chairs and look at the operating procedures. Jeffry S. also suggests sending the by-laws to the subcommittees and asking for their thoughts and comments. If the Executive Committee feels necessary to amend – they could address. Catherine S. would like simple and written procedures – like a checklist/one pager.
    4. Susan Y. asks for speakers for 2024-25. Feels like the SAC duplicates a lot of work and would like to hear more and learn about different topics and work. Jennifer L. talks about roundtable – thinking that they can expand and ask people to report on any work they do outside of their SAC role. and Sean reminds the group that if they want someone to speak in specifics to a certain topic or priority area - ask the SDE to pull the information.
    5. Susan Y. asked IEE Task Force for a schedule and Jennifer L. says once it is approved, she will distribute.
    6. Jeffry S. asks about ADHD and multiple disabilities data. Sean C. says he will connect with Bryan K. Jennifer L. clarifies question on primary disability on IEP.
      1. Executive Matters
        1. September 18, 2024, Full Council Meeting Agenda Planning
          1. Mentions new cell phone policy and asks Sean C. if the SDE will send out guidance. Sean C. says that would be a question to ask Director Bryan Klimkiewicz. Jennifer L. asks for clarification on guidance versus law. Jeff S. and Susan Y. respond as to how they perceive the information. Nachi B. comments on Assistive Technology (AT) and the IEP/504 plans – thinks it should be an ongoing discussion. Catherine S. comments on how AT accommodations should be documented in IEP. Further discussion on the policy and how it applies to. Jennifer L. talks about training.
        2. Summer Orientation/Training Review
        3. Annual Report
          1. Susan Y. asks for annual report tasks and deadlines document.
          2. Groupwork date set for 10/23/24 – Jennifer L. will try to be available. Let Council members know if they plan on joining the Executive Committee it would be beneficial for them to join this workgroup meeting. Will use doodle polls to schedule the rest of the report meetings.
        4. 2024-25 Executive Committee Meetings
      2. Membership/Nominating Matters Updates
        1. Hopes to have membership survey applicants to recommend for appointment soon.
        2. Jeffry S. asks about membership letters. He has not had a letter in years, and he would like to know what the logistics are to getting a letter and how long does the process really take. Sean
        3. C. responds that Bryan K. has sent several messages and it is a process than can be delayed because of priorities of the Governor’s office – who appoints 7 parent members.
        4. Susan Y. would like to know the protocols and process for the appointment of all Council members.
        5. Susan Y. asks about SAC Student members and the BSE Back to School meeting.
      3. Legislative Matters
        1. Jeffry S. does not have an update at this time.
Action Items:

Schedule a location in Hartford for the October meeting.

Correct November meeting time on SAC webpage.

September 18 draft agenda.


Meeting adjourned at 10:01 am.

Motion made by Jennifer L. and seconded by Catherine S.