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  • Racial Imbalance

    Racial composition of each school by grade, the racial composition of the teaching staff of each school, and the number of pupils in each elementary school who are eligible to receive free or reduced price lunches pursuant to federal law and regulation.

  • State Council on Educational Opportunities for Military Children

  • Area Eligibility for Child Nutrition Programs

    Information on schools with at least 50 percent of children eligible for free and reduced-price meals in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's school nutrition programs.

  • Remote Learning Commission

    Public Act 21-2, SB 1202, Sec. 387 requires the establishment of the Connecticut Remote Learning Commission by the Department of Education. The law requires the commission to analyze and provide recommendations concerning the provision of remote learning to public school students enrolled in grades kindergarten to twelve, inclusive

  • A Guide to K12 Program Development in the Arts

    The draft 2017 Guide to K-12 Program Development in the Arts provides information and guidance for new entities.

  • Connecticut Arts and Standards

    The Connecticut State Department of Education supports arts learning through education focused on the whole child to promote artistically literate citizens well equipped with the creativity, communication, and critical thinking skills needed to live rich, meaningful lives.

  • Dance

    Resources for Connecticut Arts and Standards in Dance

  • Music

    Resources for Connecticut Arts and Standards in Music

  • Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR) Grant

    A collaborated effort with pilot higher education institutions, CCSU and SCSU, to analyze and reform teacher preparation curricula to ensure training in evidence-based practices in literacy (reading and writing), culturally responsive teaching and clinical experiences.

  • Certificate Types

    Learn about the eligibility for certification types - Initial, Interim, Provisional and Professional

  • Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

  • Connecticut Evidence Guides

    The CSDE encourages districts to use the CT Evidence Guides as a tool for professional development and growth as well as guiding observations. These guides can offer opportunities for valuable professional learning as educators work with one another to generate their own examples of evidence aligned to their respective rubric.

  • Educator Evaluation Plans - APSEPs

    State approved educator evaluation and support plans for approved private special education programs.

  • Grant Payments/Procedures

    Information pertaining to grant payments and details going back to 2004.

  • Net Current Expenditures per Pupil used for Excess Cost Grant Basic Contributions

    The NCEP application provides the latest net current expenditures (NCE), average daily membership (ADM), net current expenditures per pupil (NCEP) and the Special Education Excess Cost grant basic contributions.