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  • Child Nutrition Programs

    Information on the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Child Nutrition Programs, including the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), Summer Food Service Program (SFSP), National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack Program (ASP), Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP), Special Milk Program (SMP), and Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP.

  • Infinite Possibilities: Doing This Together Webinar Series

    This collaborative webinar series spotlights districts and Charter Schools as they share their unique experiences selecting and implementing a CT-approved K-3 core comprehensive reading curriculum model or program.

  • Seamless Summer Option (SSO) of the NSLP

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's SSO combines features of the NSLP, SBP, and SFSP to reduce paperwork and administrative burden, making it easier for schools to feed children from low-income areas during the traditional summer vacation periods.

  • Education Financial System (EFS)

    The Education Financial System (EFS) is a financial reporting system used by school districts, including local and regional boards of education, charter schools and regional educational service centers.

  • About the Collection: Educator Data System (EDS)

    The Educator Data System (EDS) collects data on all Connecticut public school educators and all educators in approved private special education programs (APSEPS) for each of the roles that they hold.

  • CACFP Child Care Centers

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's CACFP in private nonresidential licensed child care centers (including emergency shelters and at-risk afterschool care programs) provides cash assistance for nutritious meals and snacks served to infants and children.

  • Menu Planning for Child Nutrition Programs

    Resources that provide guidance on planning, preparing, and promoting healthy meals that meet the USDA meal pattern requirements for schools and institutions participating in the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child Nutrition Programs.

  • Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture's FFVP provides all children in participating schools with a variety of free fresh fruits and vegetables throughout the school day.

  • Superintendent's Digest

    The superintendent's digest contains recent communications from the State Department of Education to leaders in local school districts.

  • Operational Memoranda for School Nutrition Programs

    The Connecticut State Department of Education’s (CSDE) operational memoranda and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy memos contain important information regarding federal and state requirements and implementation guidance for the operation of the USDA school nutrition programs, including the National School Lunch Program (NSLP), School Breakfast Program (SBP), Afterschool Snack Program (ASP), and Special Milk Program (SMP).

  • Early Childhood, PreK-Grade 3

    The time between birth through grade 3 is considered the early childhood developmental period. The Connecticut State Department of Education provides guidance and resources for public schools beginning in preK.

  • Connecticut Interim Assessments: Smarter Balanced and Next Generation Science

    This page provides information about The Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments for mathematics and English language arts (ELA)/literacy. They are available to students in Grades 3 – 8 and high school. The interim Assessments are one of the three components of the Smarter Balanced Assessment System—along with the end-of-year summative assessments in ELA/literacy and mathematics, and a digital library of formative assessment tools and practices that support classroom instruction.

  • Non-Public School Educators Seeking Certification

    Application process for non-public school teachers seeking Connecticut certification.

  • Certification Resources for Districts

    Certification guides, reference material, forms and procedures for school districts and LEAs.

  • Administrative Endorsements

    The following endorsements are classified as administrative: Intermediate Administration or Supervision (#092), Superintendent of Schools (#093), Reading and Language Arts Consultant (#097), School Business Administration (#085), Department Chairperson (#105)