Press Releases


Education Commissioner Charlene Russell-Tucker Deploying ​More Than $7 ​Million​ to Assist Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness

USED Approves Connecticut’s Plan for Coronavirus Emergency Relief Funding for Homeless Children and Youth

(HARTFORD, CT) – Education Commissioner Charlene M. Russell-Tucker today announced that the U.S. Department of Education has approved the Connecticut State Department of Education’s (CSDE) plan for use of the $7.2 million of federal funding under Connecticut’s American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief – Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) program.

The state’s plan, informed by students, families, school district staff, community-based organizations, and other stakeholdersincludes investments in:

  • Supporting districts and schools in identifying children and youth experiencing homelessness and providing funding for services to mitigate the impacts of COVID 19;

  • Providing supports to ensure that children and youth experiencing homelessness can attend school and participate fully in school activities; and 

  • Addressing the needs exacerbated by COVID 19 by students experiencing homelessness, including social-emotional well-beingmental and behavioral health and academic supports.


“Addressing challenges both in and out of school, such as homelessness, that have only intensified over the past 20 months is critical to our work of accelerating the academic recovery and meeting the social-emotional needs of our students. Standing shoulder to shoulder with our district partners, we will continue to ensure they have the resources required to provide systems of support that reach all of our students with an added focus on those most impacted by the pandemic,” said Governor Ned Lamont.

“The Connecticut State Department of Education is committed to working diligently, alongside state partners and school district liaisons, to ensure that students experiencing homelessness and living in unstable housing situations receive the behavioral health and academic supports they need,” said Education Commissioner Russell-Tucker“This funding will enable CSDE to provide direct support to schools and districts to identify and support students during this critical time.”

Of the total approved, 25% ($1.8 million)of the funding is set aside for statewide capacity building, training and support initiatives. The remaining 75($5.4 million)will be distributed to local school districts for the implementation of robust McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance programs which ensure that children and youth experiencing homelessness have immediate and consistent access to a free and appropriate public education.

**DownloadApproved ARP-HCY State Plan (PDF)


For Immediate Release: December 23, 2021

Contact: Eric Scoville

Connecticut State Department of Education

860-424-1988 (cell)


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