Grade 7: Comprehensive Lessons across Standards
CCSSMathTasks-Grade7.pdfCommon Core Standards
See note below in the Description of the Lessons section
Description of Lessons
The NC Dept. of Public Instruction presents lessons for grade 7 featuring activities for all standards. Each lesson includes the focus content and practice standards, student outcomes, materials, teacher advance preparation, lesson directions, questions to pose, possible student misconceptions and special notes. The site includes other resources for Middle School Math Teachers.
Connecticut teachers should be aware that the lessons do not include the following components:
- explicit formative assessment (e.g. notes about assessment, answer keys, rubrics, or student work samples)
- differentiation or supports for students working above/below grade level, English language learners, or students with disabilities
- use of technology or media
Rationale for Selection
- The rigorous tasks encourage contextual understanding of the standards.
- The tasks might be useful for formative assessment of key concepts of a district-created unit.
- The tasks are rooted in applications that help develop student thinking skills in problem-solving scenarios.