CT Pathways to Integrated Employment

What is CT PIE?  

CT Pathways to Integrated Employment (CTPIE) is an initiative in Connecticut that helps eligible youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities find employment, working side-by-side with people of all abilities and earning competitive wages and benefits.

CTPIE offers a pathway to work through specialized services tailored to each person’s unique skills, interests, and needs. This helps to ensure all people who want to work have the opportunity they deserve to be successfully employed.  Employment is an important part of everyone’s life and has many benefits including financial security, expanded social networks and stronger confidence.

CTPIE is led by the CT Department of Aging and Disability Services, Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) in collaboration with several state agencies and partners.

To learn more and find out about eligibility, please complete our online form and one of our specially-trained counselors will get back to you.  


For Job Seekers

If you are a young adult exiting your special education program or an adult currently working for sub-minimum wage, CTPIE can help.  Specially trained CTPIE counselors work one-on-one with Youth and Adults with I/DD to find jobs that meet your needs and interests and pay competitive wages. Learn more>>>
CTP Family

For Families and Advocates

CTPIE is here to help you as you support and guide your family member seeking employment. If working is a choice they make for their future, we can provide services and support to ensure they find a job that fits their skills, interests and abilities that also pays competitive wages. Learn more >>>