PROUD: Parents Recovering from Opioid and Other Use Disorders

The PROUD program serves pregnant and postpartum women with substance use disorders and/or co-occurring disorders residing in the areas of Connecticut outlined below.

PROUD teams provide holistic, trauma-informed and gender sensitive services to pregnant and parenting women as they navigate their recovery journey. PROUD teams will work to complete a family needs assessment with eligible women and their household members to create a plan to address individual and family needs around: substance use and mental health treatment, connections to medical providers (including prenatal care), MOUD/MAT, employment, housing, and recovery support.

PROUD services are individualized, person-centered, and strength-based, and can be offered in-office, in-home, or via telehealth. 

To get more information on PROUD, or to submit a referral to PROUD for a woman living in  New Britain, Bristol, Plainville, Berlin, Newington, Farmington, West HartfordCromwell, Middletown, Middlefield, Meriden, Waterbury, Cheshire, Southington, Wallingford, Wolcott, Hartford, East Hartford, Manchester, South Windsor, Wethersfield BloomfieldEnfield, East Windsor, Windsor Locks, Windsor, Ellington, Glastonbury, Hebron, Bolton, Coventry, Mansfield, Windham (Willimantic), Colchester, Tolland, Vernon/Rockville, Simsbury, Suffield, Somers please contact:

Wheeler Clinic, Inc.

Kelly Bergeron, LMFT or 860-418-7119

To get more information on PROUD, or to submit a referral to PROUD for a woman living in New Haven, Hamden, North Haven, East Haven, West Haven, Orange, Milford, Stratford, Trumbull, Bridgeport, Shelton, Ansonia, Derby, and Woodbridge please contact:


Michell Tardette, LPC or 203-285-6475 ext.  2501

Parents Recovering from Opioid and Other Use Disorders (PROUD) educational series for professionals (CT Hospital Association)

Parents Recovering from Opioid and Other Use Disorders (PROUD) is an educational series, funded through a grant from the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, to educate those in the caring professions on support strategies that help families succeed.  As care providers, there is much to learn.

Whether it’s managing the withdrawal symptoms of an infant exposed to opioids before birth, understanding how prescribing practices influence misuse and recovery, or identifying different biases providers manifest in interactions with these families, this educational series has many strategies for helping families succeed and thrive.

The virtual education series includes multiple one-hour live sessions, with access to recorded sessions open for a year, as well as several virtual conferences designed to meet the needs of professionals interacting with families who have members with a history of substance use disorder. Sessions are posted here and will include live virtual webinars and conferences as well as recorded (enduring) versions of the webinars for a year.

Continuing Education Credits are available for all live and enduring recorded sessions.

Click Here for More Information

Program Resources: