The report from the Autism Feasibility Study Workgroup, “Autism Services in Connecticut” included recommendations to establish an Autism Spectrum Disorder Advisory Council (ASDAC). The goal of ASDAC is to provide advice and counsel to the Secretary of OPM and the Commissioner of DSS concerning policies and programs for persons with autism spectrum disorders and their families. Members of the ASDAC and related subcommittees will be integral members of the process. This advisory committee will integrate and coordinate the work of subcommittees. OPM will be the lead agency with representatives from: DSS, DDS, DMHAS, DCF, SDE, Department of Rehabilitation Services (DORS), Department of Public Health (DPH), consumers, families, advocates, professionals (M.D., PhD, and licensed professionals), providers and Higher Education/Academic Institutions. Commissioners will serve or appoint representatives from their respective state agencies to the Advisory Committee and sub-committees. All of the applicable human services agency Commissioners will also play an oversight function to ensure maximum cross-agency integration of services.