Self-Sufficiency Standard Interactive One and Two Variable Analysis Dashboard
Instructions for using the interactive one and two variable analysis dashboard can be found below.
Step 1 Select the tab labeled One Variable Analysis, which will analyze certain demographic variables in relationship to the Statewide Self-Sufficiency Standard, which is 23%. This means that overall, 23% of Connecticut households struggle to make ends meet.
Step 2 Click the downward facing arrow and select a specific demographic variable from the dropdown listing. Your choices will be: Age of Householder, Age of Youngest Child, Children Present, Citizenship of Householder, Educational Attainment of Householder, English Speaking Ability of Householder, Family Type, Food Assistance, Gender of Householder, Health Insurance Status of Householder, Household Language, Housing Burden Severe, Latino, Linguistic Isolation, Marital Status of Householder, Number of Children, Number of Workers, Other Language, Public Assistance, Race/Ethnicity of Householder, Spanish Speaking, Tenure, Town, Type of Health Insurance Coverage
A resulting dashboard if select demographic variable Age of Householder is shown below:

The dotted vertical line shows the total percentage of all CT households below the calculated Self-Sufficiency Standard of 23% and the horizontal bars compare the percentage of persons in each age cohort shown. For example, 31% of adults ages 25-34 are living below the Self-Sufficiency Standard and 27% of adults ages 35-44 are living below the Standard.
Be sure to hover over the bars in the on-line dashboard results or click on a particular bar to see more information and remember to use the scroll down bar for any large dashboards.
Step 1 Select the tab labeled Two Variable Analysis, which analyzes certain demographic variables in relationship to the Statewide Self-Sufficiency Standard by using two different demographic variables. The Statewide Self-Sufficiency Standard is 23%; meaning that overall, 23% of households in Connecticut struggle to make ends meet.
Step 2 Click the downward facing arrow and select the 1st demographic variable from the dropdown listing, which includes: Age of Householder, Citizenship of Householder, Educational Attainment of Householder, Family Type, Family Type (5 Category), Household Language, Multigenerational, Nativity of Householder, Number of Workers, Race/Ethnicity of Householder, Type of Health Insurance Coverage.
Step 3 For each 1st demographic variable selected, you will have a choice of one, two or three variable options from the Select 2nd Variable box, except for the variable Type of Health Insurance Coverage, which has eight 2nd variables to choose from.
A resulting dashboard if select 1st variable Type of Health Insurance and select 2nd variable Children Present is shown below:
The resulting dashboard shows the results for each household described by the two variables in comparison to the calculated Self-Sufficiency Standard of 23%. For example, for households that have employment-based insurance and no children, only 7% live below the Standard compared to 83% of households that have Medicaid for coverage and have at least one child.
Be sure to hover over the bars in the dashboard results or click on a particular bar to see more information and remember to use the scroll down bar for any large dashboards.