Extremely dry conditions have Connecticut at an elevated level of fire risk:
- Governor Lamont declared a State of Emergency to help with any needed response. [Read more]
- DEEP has implemented a burn ban (outdoor grills, firepits, campfires, etc.) at all state parks, forests, and wildlife management areas. [Read more]
Room: DN: 23-32692-CON Public Hearing for Johnson Memorial Hospital, Inc.'s proposal to establish a freestanding outpatient surgical facility adjacent to its current surgery center at 148 Hazard Avenue, Enfield, CT 06082, which will be terminated from the hospital license. Pursuant to C.G.S. § 1-225a, this hearing will be held virtually via Zoom conference call. Dial In: +1 (305) 224-1968 Meeting ID: 865 4326 3027 Passcode: 342162