Publications Library

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 Photos of OHCA publications

 2017 Publications : 




Annual Report on the Financial Status of Connecticut’s Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2016 (September 2017)
This report provides information concerning the financial performance of Connecticut’s acute care hospitals using Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 data. 
Connecticut Acute Care Hospital and Outpatient Surgical Facility Data: FY2016
Connecticut General Statutes § 38a-1084a Consumer Health Information Report is a joint report from the Departments of Public Health and Insurance on acute care diagnoses and procedures, outpatient surgery and imaging procedures performed in the state.
Statement of Operations data for Connecticut’s Acute Care Hospital Health Systems for Fiscal Year 2016.  This document provides a summary of revenues and expenses for each of the corporate health systems within which the state’s acute care hospitals operate for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016.
Statement of Operations data for Connecticut’s 28 Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2016.  This document provides a summary of revenues and expenses for each acute care hospital for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016.

 2016 Publications :

Annual Report on the Financial Status of Connecticut’s Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2015 (September 2016)
This report provides information concerning the financial performance of Connecticut’s acute care hospitals using Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 data. 
Connecticut Acute Care Hospital and Outpatient Surgical Facility Data: FY2015
P.A. 15-146 Section 2 Report is a joint report from the Departments of Public Health and Insurance on acute care diagnoses and procedures, outpatient surgery and imaging procedures performed in the state. 
Statement of Operations data for Connecticut’s Acute Care Hospital Health Systems for Fiscal Year 2015.  This document provides a summary of revenues and expenses for each of the corporate health systems within which the state’s acute care hospitals operate for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015.
Statement of Operations data for Connecticut’s 28 Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2015.  This document provides a summary of revenues and expenses for each acute care hospital for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015.
Report to the Joint Standing Committee
Of the Connecticut General Assembly
Certificate of Need Requirements

Public Act 15-146
P.A. 15-146 Section 34 Certificate of Need Requirements Report, to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly on matters relating to public health, provides information on the requirements and expedited review process for certain certificate of need applications.

2015 Publications :

  • Annual Report on the Financial Status of Connecticut’s Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2014 (September 2015).  This report provides information concerning the financial performance of Connecticut’s acute care hospitals using Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 data.
  • FY 2014 Hospital Financial Dashboard: showing individual hospital and statewide margins, current ratio, debt service coverage ratio, utilization measures and gross revenues, as filed by Connecticut’s acute care general hospitals.
  • The Office of Health Care Access is pleased to share with you our Certificate of Need Application Guidebook. It is intended to give potential applicants and the general public an overview of the CON process.
  • Statewide acute care hospital summary data on Hospital Expenses, Service Utilization and FTEs, Liquidity and Solvency Measures, and Uncompensated Care are now available.  These documents contain individual hospital data along with statewide totals for fiscal year’s FY 2012 – FY 2014 as filed by Connecticut’s acute care hospitals.
  • A Dashboard showing total aggregated statewide Financial Assistance and Certain Other Community Benefits information and statewide levels of various Community Building activities for FY 2013 for Connecticut’s tax-exempt acute care hospitals.
  • Certificate of Need (CON) application forms have been revised/reformatted and are now available for use, effective March 10, 2015. The new forms and further instruction on their use can be found at OHCA Forms.
  • P.A. 13-208 Sec. 69 Cardiac Transfers Report (revised) – This is a report to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly on matters relating to public health.  The document provides information on cardiac patient transfers from Connecticut hospitals permitted by certificate of need to provide emergency/primary coronary angioplasty services only to other hospitals.
  • Statewide Health Care Facilities and Services Plan 2014 Supplement. This Plan is intended to be a blueprint for health care delivery in Connecticut, serving as a resource guide for health care facilities and services planning. While the 2012 Plan focused on standards, guidelines and methodologies related to Certificate of Need (CON) regulation, this Plan focuses on the unmet health care need of vulnerable and at-risk populations and the alignment of public health and health care initiatives that aim to address these needs.

2014 Publications :

  • Annual Report on the Financial Status of Connecticut’s Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2013 (September 2014).  This report provides information concerning the financial performance of Connecticut’s acute care hospitals using Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 data
  • Preventable Hospitalizations in Connecticut  report provides information on 2012 acute care hospitalizations that may have been prevented with timely, effective primary care and disease management.
  • Statement of Operations data for Connecticut’s 24 Acute Care Hospital Health Systems for Fiscal Year 2013.  This document provides a summary of revenues and expenses for each of the corporate systems within which the state’s acute care hospitals operate and on a cumulative statewide basis for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013.
  • P.A. 13-208 Sec. 69 Cardiac Transfers Report – This is a report to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly on matters relating to public health.  The document provides information on cardiac patient transfers from Connecticut hospitals permitted by certificate of need to provide emergency/primary coronary angioplasty services only to other hospitals.
  • OHCA is now separately posting the Hospitals’ Schedule H of IRS Form 990.  This schedule contains information reported by the Hospitals to the IRS for FY 2012 related to Financial Assistance and Community Benefits.
  • Statement of Operations data for Connecticut’s 29 Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2013.  This document provides a summary of revenues and expenses for each acute care hospital and on a cumulative statewide basis for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2013.
  • Audited Financial Statements for Connecticut’s Short Term Acute Care Hospitals and their parent corporations for Fiscal Year 2013 are now available in the Hospital Financial Data section of this website.
  • Statewide Hospital Expense Data – This document provides aggregate data for various expense categories of Connecticut’s short term acute care hospitals in fiscal years 2009 - 2012.  
  • Statewide Service Utilization and FTEs – This document provides aggregate data on various scans, procedures, and visits performed at Connecticut’s short term acute care hospitals in fiscal years 2010 - 2012.
  • Statewide Quarterly Dashboards – These documents provide selected financial statement amounts and ratios on a statewide basis for Connecticut’s short term acute care hospitals for the first and second quarter of fiscal year 2013.
  • 2013 Utilization Report

2013 Publications :

  • Annual Report on the Financial Status of Connecticut’s Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2012 (September 2013).  This report provides information concerning the financial performance of Connecticut’s thirty-acute care hospitals using Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 data. (September 2013)
  • OHCA’s newest fact sheet entitled Acute Care Hospital Expenses for FY 2011 is now available.  This fact sheet provides data on 11 different categories of hospital expenses and includes some trends that have been occurring over the years FY 2008 – FY 2011 in hospital operating expenses. (January 2013)

2012 Publications :

  • Connecticut releases its first Statewide Health Care Facilities and Services Plan. (October 2012)

  • Statement of Operations data for Connecticut’s 30 Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2011.  This document provides a summary of revenues and expenses for each acute care hospital and on a cumulative statewide basis for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2011. More... (March 2012).

  • Annual Report on the Financial Status of Connecticut’s Short Term Acute Care Hospitals for Fiscal Year 2011 (September 2012).  This report provides information concerning the financial performance of Connecticut’s thirty-acute care hospitals using Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 data.