Executive Orders

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  • 8/16/2016 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 55

    Updates the nomination process for the Connecticut Veterans Hall of Fame.

  • 5/31/2016 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 54

    Clarifies a section of Public Act 16-64, specifically regarding fees for state marshals and other professionals.

  • 4/22/2016 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 53

    Directs the Department of Administrative Services, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, and the Insurance Department to work with the State Building Inspector to ensure that the next revision to the State Building Code contains standards that increase the resiliency of new and renovated homes and buildings.

  • 2/25/2016 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 51

    Establishes the Certificate of Need Taskforce to review of Connecticut’s laws and regulations surrounding processes on the establishment, termination, transfer, acquisition, and expansion of hospitals and medical service providers.

  • 10/26/2015 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 50

    Establishes the State Agencies Fostering Resilience Council ("SAFR Council"), which is responsible for strengthening the state’s resiliency from extreme weather events.

  • 5/22/2015 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 48

    Ends the declaration of civil preparedness emergency signed on January 26, 2015, and rescinds Governor Malloy's Executive Order No. 43 and 44.

  • 4/24/2015 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 47

    Orders and directs all executive orders issued by previous governors repealed in their entirety, with the exception of ones outlined in the order, and directs all currently active executive orders to be published electronically on the Governor's website.

  • 4/22/2015 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 46

    Establishes the Governor's Council on Climate Change to ensure that the state achieves its greenhouse gas emission targets.

  • 3/30/2015 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 45

    Directs all agencies, departments, boards and commissions, the University of Connecticut, and the Board of Regents to immediately review all requests for state-funded or state-sponsored travel to states that create the grounds for discrimination and to bar any such publicly funded travel unless necessary for the enforcement of state law, to meet contractual obligations, or for the protection of public health, welfare and safety.

  • 2/2/2015 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 44

    Suspends and modifies specific statutes in response to the Governor's Declaration of Civil Preparedness Emergency due to severe winter weather that will result in extending the tax filing deadline from February 1, 2015 to February 3, 2015 for those that pay property taxes on a semi-annual or quarterly basis.

  • 1/26/2015 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 43

    Suspends and modifies specific regulations in response to the Governor's Declaration of Civil Preparedness Emergency due to severe winter weather conditions signed on January 26, 2015 that will result in allowing emergency medical organizations to temporarily suspend transportation of patients in cases where it is determined that a transportation request is not sufficiently urgent to justify the risk of transport. Also suspends specific regulations to allow an emergency medical service provider to utilize a high clearance vehicle or other specialty vehicle to transport a patient if it is determined that the use of a basic ambulance would jeopardize the safety of the emergency medical responder and/or public.

  • 7/7/2014 Governor Dannel P Malloy Executive Order No 42

    Orders relevant state agencies to support efforts by the State Department on Aging that seek to prevent the abuse of elderly citizens in coordination with the agency's Connecticut Elder Justice Coalition Coordinating Council. The council was created to oversee Connecticut’s Elder Justice Coalition, which links providers, advocates and stakeholders to valuable resources available in our state and which creates a unified front against intolerable abuse of our seniors.

  • 3/11/2014 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 41

    Establishes the Educators’ Common Core Implementation Taskforce – a group that will be comprised of teachers, parents and administrators with the goal of identifying challenges and gaps in Common Core preparation, and making recommendations on improving the quality and consistency of its implementation.

  • 3/7/2014 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 40

    Creates the Affordable Housing Energy Efficiency Program, which will utilize federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding to improve and increase the energy efficiency of multifamily housing in Connecticut in an effort to bring down energy costs for residents while also advancing conservation efforts.

  • 2/20/2014 Governor Dannel P. Malloy - Executive Order No. 39

    Orders the creation of the Connecticut Open Data Portal, which will result in widespread amounts of raw government data to be collected, placed on the internet, and shared with the public in a major effort to increase transparency and provide a useful database that can be utilized by residents for any number of purposes.