The Assigned Counsel Unit at the Office of Chief Public Defender is responsible for all assigned counsel matters, including administration of attorney contracts and financial compensation for these services. The Assigned Counsel Unit manages over one third of the agency budget of $33 million dollars, for approximately 22,000 cases per year.
The Director of Assigned Counsel is Attorney Alix C. Walmsley, who has worked for the Division of Public Defender services for over 25 years. Director Walmsley has over 23 years of experience in criminal defense in Part B matters, Part A matters, criminal appellate, juvenile parole hearings and post-conviction matters including assisting with innocence claims and more. She supervised the Division’s Norwich office for 13 years, which covers 11 towns as well as the City of Norwich. Director Walmsley also has experience, as a private attorney, in juvenile delinquency and child protection parent representation matters and as a guardian ad litem for children. She is admitted to practice in Connecticut and Maine.
Assigned Counsel: The Division of Public Defender services is grateful for the hard work and dedication of our assigned counsel attorneys. In all courts across the state they consistently litigate the most difficult cases in Connecticut’s legal system.
Assigned Counsel are court-appointed, private practice attorneys directly assigned to clients/cases by the Assigned Counsel and Child Protection Unit of the Office of Chief Public Defender (OCPD).
Assigned counsel attorneys handle a variety of matters statewide in Connecticut. They are independent contractors who contract with the Office of Chief Public Defender to practice in specific areas of law, in particular court locations.
- Contracts and assignments are based on agency need.
- The Assigned Counsel Unit has a standing committee to assist in decision-making on many matters affecting the administration of contracts and the attorneys.
- Acting Chief Public Defender, John Day, has final approval on assigned counsel matters.
- For child welfare matters (see the “Practice Areas” link, below) the Director of Assigned Counsel consults with, and coordinates with, the Director of Delinquency Defense and Child Protection, Attorney Susan Hamilton, to administrate the finances and handle contract matters for these particular practice areas.
Assigned Counsel Standing Committee
FAQ Regarding Assigned Counsel
Assigned Counsel Unit Forms: The Assigned Counsel Unit has several forms, but the forms change as needed, and specific forms are necessary for most needs. If you need an application form, a billing form, or any other kind of form, in order to ensure you get the correct, most up-to-date form please reach out to: or call the Assigned Counsel Unit at to make a request.
Director Walmsley can be initially contacted through her assistant:
The Assigned Counsel Unit is located at:
55 Farmington Avenue, 8th Floor,
Hartford, CT 06105.