Applications for the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program for the 2023-24 season began on September 1, 2023. To learn more, and to apply, click here: CEAP - How To Apply

Press Releases


Consumer Counsel Coleman Statement on PURA’s Final Decision Rejecting Aquarion Water Company’s Rate Increase

(New Britain, CT) – Consumer Counsel Claire Coleman released the following statement applauding the final decision released today by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA), which rejects Aquarion Water Company’s proposed multi-year distribution rate increase and instead slightly reduces current customer rates. 

“Today’s final decision rejecting Aquarion Water Company’s request for a rate increase is a win for Aquarion customers and for all utility ratepayers across the state," said Consumer Counsel Coleman. “I commend the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority for assessing Aquarion’s application carefully and thoroughly, as required by our ratemaking process. The burden of proof falls squarely on the shoulders of the utility seeking to increase its rates, and in this case, Aquarion came up short.

I’m also proud of the critical role our office played in analyzing and dissecting the Company’s application over many months of investigation, discovery, and hearings. Our scrutiny helped lead to important reductions in unproven costs and expenses and important protections for low-income customers.”



Brooke Parker
Communications & Legislative Program Manager