What is a Working Group?

Read time: 6 minutes

A working group is a committee or council that is designated by statute or Governor Lamont. Working Groups usually focus on one particular problem or issue, or on an array of issues that impact one particular demographic of people. Lt. Governor Bysiewicz’s working groups include:

  • The Governor’s Council on Women and Girls

    This council is made up of a variety of board members from public agencies across the state. Its main goal is to support women, girls, and their families. It meets monthly to discuss how to better provide opportunities and resources. Non-state agencies take part in the meetings to collaborate with the local communities.

  • The Connecticut Complete Count Committee

    This committee represents community leaders from diverse populations. Its goal is to collaborate toward a complete count for the census in 2020 and beyond. The members analyze previous undercounts on the census and strategize for future censuses.

  • The Interagency Council for Ending the Achievement Gap

    The Interagency Council for Ending the Achievement Gap works with the Achievement Gap Task Force to address achievement and opportunity gaps among various racial, ethnic, socioeconomic, and gender groups. The Council meets often to develop plans to address issues in Connecticut’s education systems.


Learn more about Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz and her key initiatives.


Working Groups