Occupant protection
Seatbelts save lives. Driver and passengers. Front seat and back seat. In any type of car or truck on the road. Wearing your seatbelt is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of injury or death in a crash.
The primary goal of occupant protection programs is to increase the observed statewide seat belt use rate and to decrease unrestrained occupant injuries and fatalities. Although Connecticut has some of the highest seat belt use rates in the country, there is still room to improve. HSO continues to focus efforts on increased seat belt usage and high visibility seat belt enforcement.
Occupant protection includes young children, too. HSO conducts extensive outreach and education to ensure all children use restraints (infant and child car seats) that are appropriate for the child's age and weight. Studies continue to show that the misuse of child restraints is common, and so HSO sponsors and conducts Fitting Stations to provide parents with "hands on" assistance.