A group of four older students sitting down review papers and a textbook

Dual credit courses in high school make college more affordable and prepare students for success

Increasing dual credit opportunities in all districts will maximize the affordability of higher education for Connecticut students and prepare students for success in college or careers. Learn more about dual credit partnerships and opportunities in Connecticut.  
  • A teacher points to a computer screen as three students look on

    Districts share how they successfully expand access to advanced courses and programs

    View Best Practices 
  • Three graduates wearing green caps and gowns cheer

    Connecticut produces an annual report on postsecondary readiness among students 

    Read the Report 
  • High school principal or university professor with daily checklist

    Legislation and policies are in place to guide districts on growing dual credit opportunities

    Review the legislation 

News and Events

Read the latest news, explore our Community of Practice, and watch the Expansion Grant series

  • Community of Practice 
    The Dual Credit Community of Practice holds periodic meetings for school districts that received a Dual Credit Expansion Grant and their higher education partners.
  • Expansion Grant Series 
    This four-part webinar series features presentations by institutions of higher education (IHEs) with time reserved for district questions.