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Connecticut Department of Revenue Services Reminder: New London County Tax Filings Are Due on June 17, 2024


(Hartford, CT) – The Connecticut Department of Revenue Services (DRS) reminds New London County taxpayers that the extension due date to file Connecticut state income tax returns and certain business tax returns is approaching on June 17, 2024.

This extension was granted in recognition of the county’s FEMA designation after severe weather and flooding in January and applies to all individuals and businesses in the affected area, including the Mohegan Tribal Nation and the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation. Additionally, taxpayers have the same deadline of June 17 to file their federal returns with the IRS.

“The department granted this extension to align with the IRS and because we know that circumstances may arise that are out of taxpayers’ control,” said Department of Revenue Services Commissioner Mark Boughton. “Our team is happy to assist those individuals and businesses to file their taxes by the extension deadline.”

The impacted Connecticut tax filings include:

  • Corporation Business Tax
  • Income Tax for Trusts and Estates
  • Individual Income Tax
  • Pass-Through Entity Tax
  • Unrelated Business Income Tax
  • Income Tax Withholding

Further Information:

  • If taxpayers use myconneCT, they will need to file their federal returns separately with the IRS.
  • Visit the DRS website for information regarding filing and payment options.
  • To reach DRS by phone during normal business hours – Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. – call 860-297-5962 (from anywhere); 800-382-9463 (within CT, outside Greater Hartford area only); or 860-297-4911 (TTY, TDD and Text Telephone users only).
  • Taxpayers may email DRS at – please do not include any attachments or images in the body of the email.


Contact: Tiffany Thiele
Phone: (959) 895-6208