Module 2 - Parcel Posting Workflow


In this module you will learn how use OpenRoads Designer to create Acquisition Parcels and Property Management shapes for GIS Exporting.

Before attempting to open or create DGN files users should make sure the following is in place:

  • CTDOT users should have the CTDOT CONNECT DDE synced through SharePoint with the COMPASS Project Synced along with the CAD Configuration follow Module 3 - CTDOT Employee DDE Sync.
  • Consultants should have one of the following set up: 

Module 1 - Consultant DDE Install or Module 2 - Consultant DDE Sync


Step 1 - Create a DGN file

Step 2 - Set the Coordinate System

Step 3 - Reference in the ROW DGN files

Step 4 - Create Shapes

Step 5 - Validate & Post Shapes

Step 6 - Review your posted parcel in GIS 


Step 1 - Create a DGN file

1. Log on to the CONNECTION Client.

Bentley Connect licensing requires users to log into their Bentley account to secure a software license. CTDOT users should log in using your CTDOT email address and Bentley password.  If you do not see the dialog box, select the ˄ icon on the bottom Windows Screen. Click on the Connection Client Icon and select Open.

2.  Launch the Application.

Consultants - Start the software, via an appropriate CTDOT DDE icon.

CTDOT employees - On your desktop double click on the Accounting Icon.

3. On the CT DOT Accounting Menu select Compass OpenRoads CE for Projects with an official assigned WorkSet, select Non-Projects OpenRoads CE for work that does not have a WorkSet.You can store non project related DGN files and work under your OneDrive folder or browse out to any other synced SharePoint site. For non-project work Reference files should all be in the same folder.

4. After launching the program from Accounting (for consultants – CTDOT DDE Icon) a Welcome Screen will appear.  On the Welcome Screen select Start a work session.On the OpenRoads open screen select Custom Configuration, using the small drop-down arrows select the Workspace CT_Workspace, the needed WorkSet and Role.

5. Select Browse to open an existing file or select New File.  Browse to your specific discipline folder inside the Project.

Note: Do not copy DGN files created with V8i SELECTseries or InRoads SS2, SS3, SS4, or SS10 to the new CTDOT CONNECT Project/Workset folders to use for your shape placement base file.

6. Browse to your specific discipline folder and enter a File name:.

7. On the New dialog box click the Browse button to select the 2D seed file.

  ...CT_Configuration\Workspaces-Civil\CT Survey English WorkSpace\Standards\Seed\Seed2D - CT SurveyDesign.dgn

Step 2 - Set the Coordinate System
  1. You should now be in OpenRoads. Select the CTDOT Workflow, on the Utilities tab, Geographic section select the Coordinate System tool.
  2. A dialog box will open, and you should see a current Geographic system listed.
  3. If it is blank, is not using the EPSG:102656 (NAD 1983 StatePlane…) or you need NAD 1927, select the From File icon
  4. Browse to the CTDOT CONNECT DDE Workspace 


and select




select Open.

Step 3 - Reference in the ROW DGN files
  1. Select the CTDOT workflow HomeTab, in the Primary section select the Attach Tool drop down and chooseReferences. Navigate to the folder and reference the file.

    On the reference Attachment Properties box

    • Choose the needed Model:
    • To the Nested Attachments: to Live Nesting and add a Nesting Depth: number.

    Click OK.

  2. Display the Background Map, this workflow can be found in M.2.2 Attaching a Background Map (ct.gov).
  3. If the graphics to not line up with the background image this maybe an older DGN Files and will need to be referenced in with certain settings to get them to line up in the correct Geospatial location. For older reference files turn True Scaleoff and set the Scale to 1:1
  4. Select Level Display and turn off the desired levels in the reference files. Show only ROW lines. Copy in the needed lines.
  5. Select Save Settings.


Step 4 - Create Shapes
  1. Click on the Property Maps tab. In the Shape Files section select one of the top tools as needed and follow the prompts to create a shape. Click inside of the needed areas.
  2. Fill in the Properties as needed. If you are using NAD 27 please adjust the COORDINATE_SYSTEM field.
  3. Save Settings.


Step 5 - Validate & Post Shapes
  1. Once you have all the required parcel information filled and saved you are ready to upload the data. On the Property Maps tab, Shape Files section, click on validation portal link to load the CDOT ROW Parcels CAD Submission Validation Portal.
  2. The validation portal will open in a browser.
  3. Click on Upload File and browse to the dgn file. Then click Open to upload.
  4. Once your CAD file is uploaded, click OK to start the validation process and WAIT for the result.
  5. If the data validation result is a success, you will see a big green check mark.
  6. Click on Final Upload Here to start the upload process.
  7. It will then open this page, click on Upload File to upload you validated CAD file. Then browse to the file and click Open.
  8. Click Ok to start the parcel posting.
  9. When the posting to the database is complete, you will see this message “COMPLETED”. That concludes the posting process.


Step 6 - Review your posted parcel in GIS 
  1. Once the posting is completed, you can view the parcel in this app https://gisportal.dot.ct.gov/portal/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=04df3779ccd84b7d9a24e1ce2edb6539, you will need to have a portal login account.
  2. In the search File Number, type the parcel file number you posted. When you see it listed, click on it and it will zoom to the parcel with properties displayed.


  • If you need support /assistance from AEC , you may submit a support ticket by following this LINK