Department of Labor

Connecticut Department Of Labor



Agent FTP Rate Exchange Instructions

The sections below describe the procedures that third party agents (TPAs) should follow to (1) obtain JScape credentials, (2) log into the JScape server, and (3) upload a request file

An overview of employer rate crossmatch rejection reports is available in the Employer Rate Crossmatch Rejection Reports section that follows the procedures below. 


Obtaining JScape Credentials

To obtain JScape credentials as a TPA, 

  1. You must have established Third Party Agent credentials in the ReEmployCT System before you can obtain JScape Credentials. To obtain established Third Party Agent credentials,
    • (a) Go to ReEmployCT.
    • (b) Click on the Click Here link in the bottom left side of the screen. 
      For employer and third party agent services, click here
    • (c) Click on the Create a TPA Account link.
      Create a TPA account
    • (d) Follow the on-screen prompts. 
  2. You must request credentials from CTDOL. Send the request to; be sure to include your TPA Federal Identification Number (FEIN).
  3. Once CTDOL receives the request, we will create your credentials. We will then share the credentials with you. 


Logging into JScape Server

To log into JScape Server,

  1. Open the ReEmployCT JScape login page.
  2. In the Domain field, enter ‘CTDOL’.
  3. Enter your username and password. The page will display the TPA home directory with the ratecrossmatch folder. 


Uploading a Request File

To upload a request file, 

  1. Click on the ratecrossmatch folder in the TPA home directory screen.
  2. Click on the request folder.
  3. Click on the Upload button on the left-hand side of the screen.
  4. Select the Request file you wish to upload to ReEmployCT JScape. The uploaded file will appear in the /ratecrossmatch/request directory.
  5. A batch will run at about 3:30pm each day that processes the Request file and uploads the Response file to ReEmployCT JScape. To download the response file,
    • (a) Log into ReEmployCT JScape.
    • (b) Click on the ratecrossmatch folder.
    • (c) Click on response. The screen will show the list of Response files present in the /ratecrossmatch/response directory.
    • (d) Click on the filename of the response file you wish to download; the file will then download. The image below shows how the response file will be formatted. 


Employer Rate Crossmatch Rejection Reports 

The same batch that runs at about 3:30pm daily will also produce an Employer Rate Crossmatch Rejection Report with the following attributes and place the Report in the JScape server: 


Employer Rate Crossmatch Rejection Reasons 

The following are the rejection reasons:

  • EAN not found in the system
  • Terminated
  • EAN and FEIN do not belong to the same employer