March 11, 2021 Labor and Public Employees Cmte, SB 1002
Written Public Hearing Testimony of
Kurt Westby, Commissioner
Department of Labor
Labor and Public Employees Committee
March 11, 2021
Good Morning Senator Kushner, Representative Porter, Senator Sampson, Representative Arora and members of the Labor and Public Employees Committee. Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with testimony regarding Senate Bill No. 1002 - AN ACT CONCERNING LABOR ISSUES RELATED TO COVID-19, PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND OTHER STAFFING MATTERS and House Bill No. 6595 - AN ACT CONCERNING LABOR MATTERS RELATED TO COVID-19, PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT AND OTHER STAFFING ISSUES. My name is Kurt Westby and I am the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Labor (CT DOL).
The CT DOL is supportive of certain concepts within the Department’s jurisdiction of these proposed bills to provide relief to Connecticut employees and employers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. We are working with the committee to discuss the issues raised within these bills and to help draft language to move these forward.
Thank you for the opportunity to provide this testimony.
Connecticut Department of Labor • www.ct.gov/dol
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