State of Connecticut
State Seal

By His Excellency JOHN G. ROWLAND, Governor:
An Official Statement

WHEREAS, on behalf of the citizens of the State of Connecticut, I am pleased to join NAADAC, The Association for Addiction Professionals, in celebrating September 25, 2002, as National Addictions Counselor Day in Connecticut; and

WHEREAS, acknowledging September 25 offers an opportunity to recognize and honor the work of addictions counselors and to educate the public and policymakers about the effectiveness of treatment, worthy goals which this Administration has previously supported through Executive Orders creating both the Governor's Blue Ribbon Commission on Substance Abuse and the Connecticut Alcohol and Drug Policy Council; and

WHEREAS, counselors are uniquely qualified, frontline healthcare professionals who are indispensable in the process of guiding patients with addictive disorders to recovery; and

WHEREAS, alcohol and drug disorders are a major public health problem that costs American society more than $300 billion each year and that affects our citizens regardless of age, race, gender or socioeconomic status; and

WHEREAS, chemical dependency is a treatable disease and treatment of addiction is as successful as the treatment of other chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and asthma; and

WHEREAS, tens of thousands of addiction-focused professionals have dedicated their lives to increasing awareness of alcohol and drug disorders and to enhancing the care of individuals, families and communities through treatment, education and prevention programs; and

WHEREAS, NAADAC, the nation's largest organization for addiction professionals, and its local affiliate, the Connecticut Association For Addiction Professionals, invites all residents of Connecticut to recognize National Addictions Counselor Day; and

WHEREAS, I, John G. Rowland, Governor of the State of Connecticut, do hereby proclaim September 25, 2002, as:

National Addictions Counselor Day

in the State of Connecticut and encourage all citizens to recognize, encourage, and support the work of men and women who serve as addictions counselors.

John G. Rowland