Senior Outreach & Senior Services Senior Outreach and Engagement

Older Adult Conference Materials

Successful Aging:  The Intersection of Physical and Behavioral Health

Laurene Gomez, Clinical Manager

The Senior Outreach and Engagement Program provides assessment and case management services to at risk older adults (55 and older) by utilizing proactive approaches  to identify, engage and refer seniors for various individually tailored community treatment options.  Services include education, support, counseling (including in-home counseling)  referrals to senior service networks and referrals for treatment. The program goals are to provide the services in a person-centered, strengths-based, culturally sensitive manner that reduces substance misuse, stabilizes behavioral health symptoms and improves quality of life, while assisting the older adult with remaining integrated in the community in the least restrictive setting possible. The program complements existing DMHAS programs that focus on diverting older adults from long term care and developing home and community based services to assist older adults with “aging in place.”

The Senior Outreach and Engagement staff also provides education and consultation to local agencies within the designated geographic region to promote integration and collaboration of services for seniors and develop a system of aftercare for older adults identified by the program.

Senior Outreach and Engagement Agencies

Region 1
Family and Children’s Agency
9 Mott Avenue, 4th floor
Norwalk, CT  06850
PH:  203-855-8765, 1-800-676-4066

Region 2
Bridges, Inc.
949 Bridgeport Ave
Milford, CT  06460
PH:  203-878-6365


Region 3

United Services

132 Mansfield Ave
Willimantic, CT 06226
PH: 860-456-2261

Region 4
Wheeler Clinic
91 Northwest Drive
Plainville, CT  06062
PH:  860-793-3500

Region 5
McCall Foundation
58 High Street, P.O. Box 806
Torrington, CT  06790
PH: 860-496-2100


For more information regarding Senior Outreach and Engagement please contact:

Amy Dumont, LCSW, Behavioral Health Clinical Manager
Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services
860-262-6953 or


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