Mental Health Waiver
Advisory Council
Purpose of Advisory Council:  The purpose of the Waiver Advisory Council is to provide opportunity for input from individuals and families receiving DMHAS waiver supports and services as well as other interested parties, to review key quality findings and data trends in order to make recommendations for system improvement.  

Membership:  DMHAS Waiver Project Managers, individuals and families receiving DMHAS services and supports, representatives from DMHAS Health Care Systems Division, representatives from the state operated and private not for profit mental health provider community, and a representative from NAMI or other interested parties.

Frequency of meeting:  The Mental Health Waiver has an Advisory Council that meets two times per year.  If you would like to submit any concerns, questions or comments to this council please write to:

Mental Health Waiver Program


213 Court Street

Middletown, CT 06457

The correspondence will be reviewed at the next scheduled semi-annual meeting.  A response, if deemed necessary or if requested, will be submitted within 14 business days from the meeting, and reflected in the meeting minutes.

Mental Health Waiver Advisory Council Invite 2024

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