Fiscal Administrative Services
Cheryl Arora, Chief of Fiscal Administrative Services, 860-418-6937
BUDGET Contact Person: Valerie Clark, 860-418-6861
This function encompasses all of the budgeting for the Office of the Commissioner as well as oversight and integration of budgets for DMHAS-operated facilities. Functions include: development of the annual spending plan for appropriated resources; development of the current services resource request; production of monthly reports describing and analyzing the department’s financial position; financial analysis of options for increases or decreases to the department’s budget; development of the annual request for capital equipment funding; financial control (by way of the allotment process); development of fiscal impact statements for proposed legislation and regulations; and various reports and analyses requested by internal and external customers.
Accounting & Federal Grants Unit
Jasmine Berry: 860-418-6607
William Hanke: 860-418-6920
This function includes accounting for expenditures against state, federal, and private funds; accessing federal grant funds and funding via interagency transfer; reporting expenditures against federal grants (e.g., Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant); development of the financial portions of various federal grant applications and allocation plans; and various reports and analyses requested by internal and external customers.
Billing and Revenue Enhancement
Lauren Staiger: 860-418-6617
The Billing and Revenue Enhancement unit is responsible for submitting billable services to the Department of Administrative Services for claims processing including Targeted Case Management (TCM), Behavioral Health Homes (BHH), Outpatient, and Inpatient services for DMHAS-operated facilities. This unit also bills TCM and BHH services for DMHAS contracted private providers. The Billing and Revenue Enhancement unit oversees reenrollment of licensed staff and DMHAS-operated facilities in Medicare and Medicaid and monitors for timely submission of service authorization requests from payors. The unit provides analysis and monitoring for Connecticut Valley Hospital under the 1115 Substance Use Disorder Demonstration, is responsible for developing revenue projections for the Departments, and serves as fiscal liaison to the Electronic Health record initiative for DMHAS.
This function coordinates the Department’s rate-setting and claims analysis (e.g., General Assistance Behavioral Health Program) functions, and provides financial analysis and reporting requested by internal and external customers.
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Contract Administration Unit (CAU)
Contact Person: Megan Sopelak: 860-418-6838
The Contract Administration Unit (CAU) of the DMHAS Administration and Finance Division is responsible for all contracts with DMHAS providers including Human Service Contracts, Personal Service Agreements, Memoranda of Understanding, Memoranda of Agreement, student placements, and property lease agreements. Responsibilities include drafting and coordinating the review and approval of contract language, processing provider funding applications, executing contracts, and reviewing provider financial reports.
Additionally, the CAU is responsible for coordinating the DMHAS bond fund process for private-non-profit providers’ capital improvement projects. For more information on bond funds including eligibility or to obtain an application, please contact Megan Sopelak at (860) 418-6838 or
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Contact Person: Steven Hecimovich, 860-262-5300
The Engineering Services Section of the Office of the Commissioner accomplishes its responsibilities with four Office of the Commissioner employees. The Chief of Engineering Services II and three others function to deliver services to the executive management of the Office of the Commissioner as well as the DMHAS facilities throughout the state.
The Engineering Services Section of the Office of the Commissioner is responsible for:
Project design and review
Project funding and management
Capital planning
Compliance liaison OSHA JCAHO support , State Fire Marshal, etc.
Community Support
Facility support (codes, inspection, preparation)
Special projects
Engineering services has three major customers. Foremost is the roll of support and technical assistance as well as oversight of some functions for the executive management of the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Second is to provide support in the areas of the above-mentioned responsibilities for the state-owned facilities including technical assistance code review and assistance as needed. Third is the assistance to the community support programs which include grant proposal review, site inspections and code support.
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Contact Person: Evette Hecht, 860-262-6748
As part of the Office of the Commissioner, the Fiscal Services Bureau provides fiscal/administrative support services to all of the Facilities in DMHAS. These services include purchasing, accounts payable, asset management, and travel reimbursement.
This function is responsible for obtaining goods and services in support of employees, clients, programmatic and infrastructure operations. It includes the purchase, lease or contract for all supplies, materials, equipment and services required by all Facilities of DMHAS.
Agency purchasing authority is granted to DMHAS by the Commissioner of the CT Department of Administrative Services (DAS). Purchasing in DMHAS is conducted under the policies and procedures promulgated by the DAS Procurement Division.
Most Purchasing functions are done in CORE-CT and require no paper forms. However, in some cases, the internal Purchase Requisition Form is required to request and approve purchases.
Accounts Payable:
This function is responsible for ensuring accurate and timely processing of invoices in CORE-CT in accordance with all applicable statutes and the requirements mandated by the State Accounting Manual. These payments are made to outside vendors, other state agencies and private non-profit providers.
Accounts Payable staff is responsible to ensure that all payments are authorized by the operation of established control techniques including a properly executed contract and/or Purchase Order, a Receipt document and/or an approved Vendor Invoice. Most of these functions are carried out electronically in CORE-CT.
Asset Management
Asset Management is the establishment and maintenance of a Property Control Record for all real property which reaches a cost threshold to be considered an Asset. In addition, it includes property that does not meet the threshold to be considered an Asset but is on a list established by DMHAS as Controllable. Information regarding Assets is kept in CORE-CT.
State agencies must have Policies and Procedures in place to ensure that all Assets currently owned are properly recorded and inventoried once a year, as well as properly disposed of when necessary. These procedures are prescribed by the Office of the Comptroller Property Control Manual. All employees share the responsibility to safeguard the State’s investment in real property.
Required Forms:
Taggable Item Form
Asset Transfer Form
Public Surplus Property Form
Travel Reimbursement
Employees may receive reimbursement of expenses for approved job-related educational travel to courses, seminars, conferences, etc. Most of this reimbursement is granted to the employee by their Union contract. Processing of forms including appropriate documentation is done by FSB and submitted to the Office of the State Comptroller for reimbursement directly to the employee. In addition, Managers may be reimbursed by DMHAS directly for required job-related educational travel.
Required Forms:
CO-17XPPR Employee Reimbursement - Payroll
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Contact Person: Shawn Kuhn, 860-262-6740
The DMHAS Payroll Services Department is responsible for providing a full range of payroll and benefit services to approximately 3,300 bargaining unit, confidential, and managerial employees at all DMHAS locations throughout the state. The Payroll Services Division is located at the Human Resources Service Center CT Valley Hospital campus in Middletown.
Most commonly used forms are available on the DMHAS website at:
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