Audit Division
If you have a suspicion that fraud is being committed against state funded mental health or
substance abuse programs click on the "Report Fraud" link below:
Behavioral Health Recovery Program (BHRP) Auditing
The Audit Division is responsible for auditing claim payments submitted by the Behavioral Health Recovery Program Providers. The objectives of these audits is to determine that: 1) Individuals receiving services were eligible BHRP clients; 2) Proper documentation to support the services billed; 3) Claims billed reflect the levels of service rendered and allowable for reimbursement; 4) Department policies and regulations were adhered to by the Providers.
Internal Audits
The objective of internal audits is to assist all levels of management in the effective discharge of their responsibilities by furnishing them with analyses, appraisals, recommendations, and pertinent comments concerning Departmental activities reviewed. This is accomplished by: 1) Reviewing and appraising the soundness, adequacy, and application of accounting, financial and other operating controls; 2) Ascertaining the extent of compliance with established policies, plans, and procedures; 3) Ascertaining the extent to which Department assets are accounted for and safeguarded from loss; 4) Ascertaining management data developed within the Department and 5) Recommending operating improvements.
Liaison Responsibilities-Auditors of Public Accounts/State Comptroller's OfficeThe Auditors of Public Accounts and the Comptrollers Office perform regular audits of the Department's business practices, policies and procedures. Liaison responsibilities include coordinating informational requests, representing the Department during entrance/exit conferences and provide written responses to audit findings. In addition, follow-ups are done with Department auditees to review corrective action plans implemented as a result of audit recommendations made.