WebEOC is a web-based emergency management information system used by the State of Connecticut to document routine and emergency events/incidents. Web EOC provides a real-time common operating picture and resource request management tool for emergency managers at the local and state levels during exercises, drills, local or regional emergencies, and/or statewide emergencies.
WebEOC Login Change - WebEOC System Migration to Juvare Cloud Server
TIME SENSITIVE NOTICE TO ALL WEBEOC USERS (last updated 2024-04-19 0800 hours)
Action Required:
- Monitor this webpage (www.ct.gov/demhs/webeoc) for updates on the migration.
- Download go-live User guidance materials from the webpage as soon as they are available – an infographic and training video will be provided.
- Initiate the MFA process once available to ensure that any issues can be resolved in a timely manner - delaying completing the MFA process could result in system access being unavailable in time for upcoming exercises/drills or an emergency event.
More Information:
- Once the system is returned online, all WebEOC Users will be required to complete a multi-factor authentication (MFA) process.
- Your current WebEOC account will be inaccessible without completing the MFA process.
- Users with expired/disabled accounts will require vetting for a new account and will see a delay in accessing the system.
- Users currently with outdated passwords may also experience additional delay in access to the system.
- Once the system is returned online, the link to WebEOC is expected to stay the same, HOWEVER, at least for the first fresh login following migration, all Users are advised to:
- Open a Private/Incognito window in an internet browser to avoid cached links that may error and not redirect properly; and
- Then access WebEOC directly from the link located on the webpage.
Go-Live User Guidance:
- MFA Process Infographic – coming soon
- MFA Process Training Video – coming soon
Link to WebEOC
To login to WebEOC, please click the banner below or click here
WebEOC User Account and Position Access Form
Creating Your Account or Position Access
- WebEOC User Account and Position Access Form – Add or Edit a User Account or Assigned Position
- WebEOC User Account and Position Access Form - Healthcare Related Users/Positions ONLY
WebEOC flash Articles and User Guidance
- WebEOC Training Opportunities – details are posted within WebEOC on the Home Tab and on the Battle Rhythm, registration is typically required.
- Volume 1 System Overview – Issue #001 Support, Training, Technical Resources and System Access/Credentials
Volume 1 System Overview – Issue #002 Logging In, Setup/Maintenance of User Account, Forgot Username/Password
- Additional Training Materials – two-page desk references (WebEOC flash Articles) as well as training videos are available in WebEOC - navigate to the WebEOC User Training Resources board for a wide range of topics
Contact: demhs.webeoc@ct.gov