Hazard Mitigation Training and Resources
The following are some, but not all of the Hazard Mitigation training available for eligible subapplicants. Please reach out to DEMHS.HMGP@ct.govfor more in-person and online opportunities.
FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-393.B: Introduction to Hazard Mitigation
FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-328: Plan Review for Local Mitigation Plans
FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-321: Hurricane Mitigation Basics for Mitigation Staff
FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-328: Plan Review for Local Mitigation Plans
FEMA - Emergency Management Institute (EMI) Course | IS-2700: National Mitigation Framework, an Introduction
- Module 1: Introduction to FEMA GO - YouTube
- Module 2: Organization Management in FEMA GO - YouTube
- Module 3: Subapplication Review in FEMA GO - YouTube
- Module 4: Creating an Application in FEMA GO - YouTube
- Module 5: Attaching and Ranking Subapplications in FEMA GO - YouTube
- Module 6: Completing and Submitting an application in FEMA GO - YouTube
- FEMA GO Application and Subapplication Process - YouTube
- FEMA GO Request an Amendment Guide - YouTube
- FEMA GO Request a Payment Guide - YouTube
- FEMA Benefit-Cost Analysis
- Benefit-Cost Analysis Training Materials
- FEMA BCA Toolkit 6.0 Installation Instructions
For information about BCA training opportunities, please email DEMHS.HMGP@ct.gov.