Energy Efficiency and Pollution Prevention Actions by Connecticut Manufacturers
- Install new boilers and cooling systems
- Optimize boiler running time in line with production vs. non-production
- Replace boiler house compressor
Did you know?
Boiler load management measures, including optimal matching of boiler size and boiler load, can save as much as 50% of a boiler’s fuel use.
Compressed Air
- Replace existing oversized 1500 CFM compressor with a 500 CFM unit
- Modernize compressed air system
- Install 125 HP Atlas Copco compressor with VFD technology to replace 3-150 HP existing compressors
- Establish a program for semi-annual review of the compressed air delivery system for leaks
- Replace centrifugal compressors with rotary screw compressors
- Install pressure regulation on shop compressed air supply with computer based controls to stage compressor operation
- Reduce compressor air intake temperature to increase compressed air system efficiency
- Optimize compressed air production
Did you know?
Using cooler air intake for compressors can save almost one-half percent of a facility’s total energy use with a 5 month payback.
- Install cogeneration system consisting of turbine, electric generator and waste heat recovery boiler
- Evaluate construction of on-site cogeneration plant to use alternate energy fuel sources.
Did you know?
A typical cogeneration project may reduce primary energy consumption (including fuel inputs at off-site power plants for purchased electricity) for steam and electricity generation by 10% to 15%
Energy Audits and Energy Management
- Develop energy and conservation plans
- Define and implement preventative maintenance program for all energy intensive systems
- Improve existing energy management system, upgrade central computer and repair HVAC controls
- Install energy management system to control lighting, heating and air conditioning
- Evaluate shifting electric forklift charging routines to off-peak periods
- Develop a metrics system for analyzing and tracking energy use and water consumption
Did you know?
28% of all energy used in the US is by manufacturers.
Fuel Switching
- Convert hot water heaters to gas
Did you know?
Switching from electric heat to natural gas or # 2 fuel oil can reduce heating costs by 78%.
- Convert HVAC unit to chilled water system
- Install dry filtration system in paint and blend booths
- Install variable frequency drives on HVAC equipment and air handler motors to reduce fan rotational speed
- Replace 400 ton chiller with high efficiency chiller
- Evaluate replacing air conditioning equipment with high efficiency central chilling plant
- Continue repairing air handler motors with high efficiency motors
Did you know?
Thermostat setback savings are 4% to 5% per 1 degree F.
- Replace present lighting (fixtures, lamps, ballast’s) with energy efficient lighting; replace T12 fluorescent with T8
- Reduce square footage of space to reduce needed lighting
- Install motion sensors, T8 lamps and electronic ballast’s in various locations
- Replace fluorescent shop lighting with high pressure sodium in manufacturing and assembly areas
- Convert mercury vapor lighting to high pressure sodium lighting
- Convert exterior incandescent lighting to high pressure sodium lighting
- Install LED exit signs
Did you know?
Lighting accounts for over 25% of all electricity sold in the US. Electronic ballasts save 12% to 25% more power than magnetic ones; T-8 lamp gives off more light per watt than T-12 lamps; compact fluorescent lasts 10 times longer than incandescent light and is 3 times more effective.
Motor Systems and Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs)
- Install energy efficient motors in non-production areas
- Incorporate vibration analysis of rotational motor assemblies to preventative maintenance program
- Assess current preventative maintenance program to include motor/belt alignment
- Install new premium efficiency motors to replace old motors
- Install variable speed drives on pumping systems
- Replace selected air handler motors with high efficiency motors
Did you know?
Installing VFDs in place of constant speed systems can reduce cooling system energy use by 30% to 50%, depending on load profile.
Pollution Prevention
- Reduce raw material scrap per unit of product by 5%
- Reduce hazardous waste per unit of production by 5%
- Develop program for maintenance and calibration of conductivity meters used in rinse tanks
- Initiate clean-in-vessel rinse water reduction project
- Reduce hair spray VOC content from 80% to 50%
Process Cooling
- Reduce coolant by 25% per unit of production
- Convert 50ton chiller to chilled water
- Install tower water circulation pump speed controller
- Replace large chiller on weld shop oven with smaller unit
- Replace facility central chiller system
- Install closed loop cooling system
- Close chiller water loop for more effective use of product cooling energy
- Replace temporary chillers with higher efficiency central production chillers
Did you know?
"Free cooling" with cooling tower water can reduce a facility’s total energy use by 1%, with simple payback of 14 months; free cooling can reduce cooling systems energy use by as much as 40%.
Process Heating
- Replace large electric oven with one that meets department needs
Did you know?
Direct electric heating (infrared, microwave, or dielectric) can reduce process-heating energy by up to 80% with typical payback of 1 to 3 years.
Steam System
- Survey and repair steam traps to reduce energy use
Did you know?
Repairing steam leaks can save 1% of a facility’s total energy use.
An effective steam trap maintenance program can save 3% of your total energy use with a simple payback of 2 months.
Water Usage
- Install carbon filtration system to recycle rinse water used in non-destructive fluorescent inspection operations
- Install automatic flushes in rest rooms to reduce unnecessary flushes
- Spring water in powerhouse use as well water supply
- Close once-through domestic water cooling loop
Content Last Updated on December 12, 2006