Boating Permits

Marine Event Permit

A permit is required for all marine parades, regattas, races, tournaments, exhibitions, or other activities held on state waters requiring exclusive use of a specified portion of a waterbody, including access through state boat launches. In addition, one is required on federal waters when using a state boat launch, or when requesting a boating regulation exception. NOTE: All applications must be received at least 45 days before the event.

Navigation Marker Permit

A permit is required to mark a navigation channel with buoys or beacons (signs).

Regulatory Marker Permit

A permit is required to place any swim area, speed zone, danger area, or information markers, i.e. buoys or beacons (signs).

 Water Ski Slalom Course or Jump Permit

A permit is required to install a water ski slalom course or jump.

Content Last Updated on October 1, 2024