Water Company Information
DEEP's Publication:
This manual provides Connecticut's Municipal Aquifer Protection Agencies with comprehensive technical guidance and reference materials needed to regulate aquifer protection areas.
Water Companies play a significant role in the Aquifer Protection Area Program. Water companies' responsibilities include:
- mapping aquifer protection areas to Level B (preliminary) and Level A (final) standards
- submitting aquifer protection area mapping for DEEP approval
- reviewing local aquifer protection area regulations and registrations
Mapping Aquifer Protection Areas to Level A Standards
Level A Mapping Regulations (R.C.S.A. section 22a-354b-1) were originally adopted in April 1991, and amended on September 1, 2005. The regulations specify the procedures to be used in the mapping process, including criteria for extensive site-specific data collection, development of a numerical ground water model of the aquifer system, and the modeling simulations required to define the aquifer protection area. The water companies must conduct the mapping in accordance with the regulations and submit the mapping to DEEP for approval. This mapping becomes the final regulatory boundary.
Level A Mapping Regulations
Level A Mapping Regulation - originally adopted 6/20/91, amended 9/1/05
Hearing Report (Statement of Reasons in Support of Adoption of Amendments to the Level A Mapping Regulations)
Submitting Level A Mapping
The statutory deadline established for water companies to complete final mapping was June 1, 2008 for the existing 122 well fields in the program. Final Level A mapping has been completed and approved for 116 well fields. (See Aquifer Protection Area Maps.)
Reviewing Local Regulations and Registrations
Water companies are given the opportunity to review local aquifer protection area regulations. They also receive copies of registrations and provide comments and recommendations to town officials and the local aquifer protection agency. See DEEP's list of water company contacts that should receive a copy of registrations. Please notify DEEP if a contact changes. that should receive a copy of registrations. Please notify DEEP if a contact changes.
Water Companies and Municipal Assistance Program
Water Companies serving 10,000 or more people are required to develop a "Municipal Assistance Program" and make it available to municipalities they serve. The program should include site plan reviews, an evaluation of risk, and advice on spill management. DEEP and the Source Water Protection Committee (SWPC), the Connecticut Section of the American Water Works Association, jointly have developed a guidance document to address this program. (See Municipal Assistance Program for Aquifer Protection.)
DEEP Contact Information:
If you have questions regarding aquifer mapping or for further information on the program, please contact Kim Czapla at Kim.Czapla@ct.gov.
Aquifer Protection Area Program
Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse
Water Planning and Management Division
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Content last updated on July 31, 2024.