Businesses and Industry Information

Land uses and activities that can contaminate ground water quality will be regulated in aquifer protection areas. Generally, activities which use, store, handle, or dispose of hazardous materials and other potential ground water contaminants will have to follow best management practices or standards designed to minimize the possibility of ground water pollution. New activities such as waste disposal, most manufacturing, and bulk petroleum or chemical storage will not be allowed to locate in aquifer protection areas.
Businesses likely to be regulated include:
  • most manufacturing and chemical wholesale storage industries
  • trades and services such as gasoline stations, auto and engine service, machine shops, dry cleaners, furniture strippers, printers, photo processors and laboratories
How will businesses be affected by the Aquifer Protection Area Program?
Regulated businesses will have to register their regulated activities with the local aquifer protection agency or the state DEEP. Businesses may have to implement new procedures and/or install new equipment to minimize the chance of pollution. A materials management plan and a stormwater management plan may also be required.
It will be advantageous for businesses to register and preserve their right to continue to operate regulated activities, to add new activities or to change to a different activity. Without a registration, these regulated activities are prohibited.
Is my business located in an Aquifer Protection Area?
By looking at the aquifer protection area maps, you can see if your business is located in an aquifer protection area. Basic aquifer protection area maps are available on this website. (See aquifer protection area maps.)
An advanced map viewer with aquifer protection area maps is available on the UCONN's CT ECO web site.
How do I know if my business will be regulated?
Your business may be regulated if you are located in an aquifer protection area and you conduct a regulated activity. You can do a self-audit form to see if your business will be regulated under the program. See Determining Your Regulatory Status in Aquifer Protection Areas.
Who do I register with? (state DEEP or municipal Aquifer Protection Agency)
You will register with the DEEP if the regulated activity is done at a facility that:


1) holds one or more of the following individual permits:
      National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)
      State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES)
      Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)
      Treatment, Storage, and Disposal Facility (TSDF)


2) is a public service company


3) is a large-quantity hazardous waste generator


4) is a state agency
To register with the DEEP, complete and submit to DEEP, the State Registration Form for Regulated Activities in Aquifer Protection Areas (Word Form, PDF) using the accompanying Instructions.
You will register with the municipal Aquifer Protection Agency if you conduct a regulated activity at a facility that is not regulated by DEEP. To register with the municipal Aquifer Protection Agency, call the aquifer contact for your town/city. (See link to local municipal contact list below.)
Special note regarding registrations: The information provided on the registration form is very important and should be complete. To see a good example of a completed registration form see SAF-T Auto's registration form for the Town of Cheshire.
Sending copies of registrations:   
Regulated businesses are required to send a copy of the registration form to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP), the Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH), and any affected water company. 
The addresses for CT DEEP and CT DPH are below:
Aquifer Protection Area Program
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
Bureau of Water Protection and Land Reuse
Water Planning and Management Division
79 Elm Street
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Drinking Water Division
Connecticut Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue, MS #51 WAT
Hartford, CT 06134-0308
For the list of water company contacts that should receive a copy of the registration, see the water company contact list.
Who do I contact for more information?
You may contact the local municipal aquifer protection agency in the town where your business is located. (See list of local municipal contacts.)
You may contact DEEP staff if you have questions or for more information on the program. Please contact Kim Czapla at (860) 424-3335 or
Updated on July 31, 2024