About the Office of Statewide Marketing & Tourism


The Connecticut Office of Statewide Marketing & Tourism works to make tourism a leading economic contributor and a source of pride for Connecticut. The office partners with the Connecticut business community and regional tourism districts to position the state as a prime destination for leisure and business travelers and encourage strategic investment. 

In addition to a broad range of services, including marketing, research, hospitality services, direct sales and business marketing assistance, the Office of Tourism operates the state’s official tourism website www.CTvisit.com and social media sites.

Our Initiatives

  • Branding and marketing support, including our showcase website, CTVisit.com, as well as social media channels and eNewsletters
  • The latest tourism research, including reports on the economic impact of travel in Connecticut, our annual Tourism Tracker, traveler profile studies and the ongoing VISIONS: Visitor Intercept Study
  • Promotions such as Connecticut Open House Day at tourism attractions

  • Direct sales to the group-tour and travel industry, both domestic and internationally, via organization memberships and trade shows

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For more information on who to contact within the Connecticut Office of Statewide Marketing & Tourism, please click here.