Business Development

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  • Train

    Learn more about the Hartford and Shore Line stations, operating two rail services for fast and easy travel along two major corridors.

  • Bus

    Discover Connecticut bus services, including a variety of local and express routes throughout most major metropolitan areas, plus regional and interregional services between different areas of the state.

  • Carpool

    Cut the cost of commuting in half and save wear and tear on your car with CTrides and their free online ridematching program.

  • Vanpool

    Discover the benefits of the vanpool program, for groups of 7 to 15 people traveling together to work in either in a minivan, 12 or 15-passenger van.

  • Transportation Maps

    Access the Department of Transportation's maps.

  • Air Cargo

    Learn about Bradley International Airport’s location and infrastructure, making it a great option for freight forwarders and other cargo professionals.

  • Employer Services

    Explore the Connecticut Department of Transportation’s (CTDOT) family of commuter services designed to meet the needs of Connecticut employers.

  • Federal Opportunity Zone Tax Benefits

    Learn more about the capital gains tax benefits available to qualified investors in Opportunity Zone projects.

  • State Opportunity Zone Enhancements

    See how Connecticut has made it even more attractive to invest in its Opportunity Zones by extending other tax credits and prioritizing other incentives.

  • Opportunity Zone Resources

    Check out these additional resources that may be of interest to Opportunity Zone investors and developers.

  • Enterprise Zone (targeted investment communities)

    Learn about which Connecticut cities and towns are approved to offer property tax incentives for acquisition, new construction and/or substantial renovation under CGS Sec. 32-70.

  • Environmental Guidelines

    Review environmental guidelines for businesses that govern air, land, water, remediation as well as material and waste management.

  • Brownfields Redevelopment

    Learn more about all the ways Connecticut supports businesses that help redevelop brownfields.

  • Find a Site

    Use this online database to explore the commercial properties available in Connecticut.

  • Review Demographics

    Learn more about each of Connecticut's municipalities, including information about population, major employers, education, fiscal issues, labor force and housing.