Connecticut Arts Endowment Fund (CAEF)

Grant Recipients

Information Regarding FY23 Grant Amounts:

Endowment grant amounts are calculated solely on a formula that is set by Connecticut State Statutes. The formula is:

  • Year 1 "Prior Fiscal Year":For the portion of donor contributions which is equal to $15,000 or more but does not exceed the total donor contributions for the prior fiscal year, there shall be a match of 25% of such amount, capped at $250,000. 
  • Year 2 "Most Recent Fiscal Year": For the portion of the total donor contributions that exceeds the total donor contributions for the prior fiscal year, there shall be a match of 100%, capped at $1 million. 

The total amount of grants to be paid exceeded the Endowment Fund's investment earnings, therefore, grants were reduced on a pro rata basis.  We would need $21+ million in investment earnings to fully fund applicants per the formula, however, we only had $864,233. Therefore, all grants were reduced.


The Connecticut Office of the Arts awarded one-hundred sixty-five (165) Connecticut Arts Endowment grants totaling $864,233. View the list of grant recipients HERE.


The Connecticut Office of the Arts awarded one-hundred seventy-one (171) Connecticut Arts Endowment grants totaling $861,472. View the list of grant recipients HERE.


The Connecticut Office of the Arts awarded one-hundred eight-two (182) Connecticut Arts Endowment grants totaling $802,813. View the list of grant recipients HERE.


The Connecticut Office of the Arts awarded one-hundred forty-seven (147) Connecticut Arts Endowment grants totaling $803,442.  View the list of grant recipients HERE.


The Connecticut Office of the Arts awarded one hundred sixty-seven (167) Connecticut Arts Endowment grants totaling $787,662.  View the list of grant recipients HERE.