Check out the new DDS Website!

Access Department of Developmental Services information, faster & easier.
Welcome to the new DDS website! A lot has changed and we are excited to show you around. This page was created to help visitors understand the new layout and features.

Getting Started…
Streamlined focus on navigation and search allows DDS website visitors access to information faster and easier than ever before.
Feature Boxes…
What’s going on at DDS? This area provides an opportunity to know what we’re doing at DDS and what you should know more about.
More information in just one click…
Quickly find DDS resources for individuals and families along with the latest news related to DDS.

Most Popular Services…
Prominently listed on the DDS home page, visitors have one-click access to the most frequently accessed services provided by DDS.

Topic-Specific Navigation…
The topic-specific navigation is also categorized to allow for visitors to quickly navigate to a popular website page in only one click.

Agency-Specific Search…
Search is now also available at the agency level providing DDS website visitors a customized search experience within the agency.

Mobile Friendly…
Allowing visitors to view DDS information on mobile devices from anywhere.