Tuesday, September 26th 2017 – Today, the Liquor Control Commission released its decision, revoking the liquor permit of “Sexy Café” located at 880 Maple Avenue in Hartford. The decision comes after a July 10th summary suspension issued by the Department of Consumer Protection (DCP) as a result of an early morning shooting on the premises and a subsequent investigation by the state’s liquor control division.
“I want to thank the Liquor Commission for the thought they put into each decision they make, and the Hartford Police Department for their continued cooperation in this matter,” said Consumer Protection Commissioner Michelle H. Seagull, “Our most important charge at DCP is our responsibility to public health and safety in the state of Connecticut. I am pleased this decision was reached with that in mind.”
“The ‘Sexy Lounge and Café’ has been a consistent source of complaints from the residents in the surrounding Maple Avenue neighborhood,” said Hartford Police Deputy Chief Brian J. Foley, “While we don’t like to see any business close its doors, this bar really impacted the quality of life for residents in this neighborhood. We’ll continue to work closely with the state’s Liquor Control Division to bring these issues to a quick resolve and improve our community.”
A copy of the decision regarding Sexy Café can be found here.
Residents who have concerns about a liquor permit in the state are encouraged to contact DCP’s Liquor Control Division by emailing dcp.liquorcontrol@ct.gov or by calling us at (860) 713-6200.
Inquiries regarding the police investigation into this matter should be directed to the Hartford Police Department.
Media Contacts:
Department of Consumer Protection
Lora Rae Anderson
(860) 713-6019 (office)
(860) 247-8711 (cell)
Lora Rae Anderson
(860) 713-6019 (office)
(860) 247-8711 (cell)