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Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 - The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection will move to 450 Columbus Boulevard over the course of several weeks, beginning December 12. All divisions will be in the new location by January 9, 2017.
The move is part of a larger cost-saving effort to house all government operations in state-owned facilities.
The agency’s divisions will be relocated to the new location in the following phases:
Monday, December 12:
  • Drug Control
  • Foods and Standards
Monday, December 19:
  • Commissioner’s Office
  • Business and Accounting
  • Trade Practices
  • Liquor Control
Monday, January 9:
  • Frauds
  • Gaming and Auditing
  • Occupational and Professional
  • License Services
To assure the best customer service, between December 12 and January 9, visitors are encouraged to schedule an appointment to confirm the location and availability of appropriate staff.  After January 9, visitors will check in with our new customer service center on the ground floor of 450 Columbus Boulevard. We continue to encourage our customers to use our online services whenever possible.
Parking at 450 Columbus Boulevard is available in the Morgan Street parking garage across the street from the offices. Parking fees will apply.
Effective on the above dates, mail should be directed to:
[Division Name]
Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection
450 Columbus Boulevard, Suite 901
Hartford, CT 06103
The only exception to the above: If mailing to License Services, please use Suite 801.
The Department of Consumer Protection is tasked with securing a safe and fair marketplace for all consumers and businesses throughout the state. They accomplish this through licensing and regulation of a number of trades and professions, as well as addressing consumer complaints on a wide variety of subjects, including the Connecticut Unfair Trade Practices Act (CUTPA) and the “Lemon Law” for new cars. Complete, up-to-date information about the agency or the move can be found on the Department web site at: .
Press Contact:
Lora Rae Anderson
860.713.6019 (o)
860.247.8711 (c)