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Free Monthly Email Newsletter Targets Consumer Protection Issues

March “Consumer Watch” Explains How to Solve Problems with a Business

HARTFORD, March 5 – Because an informed consumer is a protected consumer, the Department of Consumer Protection is mining its stores of information and advisories each month to produce a free email newsletter to help consumers avoid common consumer pitfalls and problems.


“Consumer Watch,”  the monthly newsletter that is emailed to thousands of residents who’ve signed up for it, explains common and not-so-common aspects of the Department’s work, its policies and principles, and State and federal law.


Topics covered in recent months include choosing and working with home improvement contractors, what to know about limousine rentals, dealing with telemarketers, working with a real estate salesperson, how food inspections are conducted, and emergency planning advice. 


“We put out consistent, helpful information and suggestions for consumers about the full spectrum of issues that we deal with,” Consumer Protection Commissioner William Rubenstein said.  “Our goal is to educate readers about many common issues, and many others that are commonly overlooked until they become a problem. Knowing that we can’t be everywhere at once, we hope consumers will apply these small, monthly doses of prevention to help reduce the need for pounds of cure.”


The March issue of “Consumer Watch” is being sent out free to subscribers this week, and focuses on how consumers can take steps to work with a business to correct a problematic transaction or situation. To sign up for the free newsletter, send an email to and provide the email address you want to subscribe.


“March 4th through the 10th is National Consumer Protection Week, where consumers nationwide are reminded to be savvy and vigilant, and to utilize the many marketplace protections at their disposal,” Rubenstein said.  “I’d like to invite all Connecticut residents to sign up for Consumer Watch, and in all your business transactions remember to take your time, read and understand every contract or agreement, especially the fine print, think things through, and become an advocate for yourself. It’s a way to recognize “Consumer Protection Week” every day of the year.”


Back issues of “Consumer Watch” are available at Select “Publications” at the top of the home page.



Media Contact: Claudette Carveth