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Department of Consumer Protection Issues Alert about Bogus Web Hosting Invoices Sent by "DNS Services"

HARTFORD, December 12 – The Department of Consumer Protection is alerting the public about a company that apparently has sent bogus invoices to companies and/or organizations in Connecticut for web hosting services. Department of Consumer Protection Commissioner William M. Rubenstein is warning organizations and businesses to be alert to this and similar solicitations and billing-related scams.

“We have received a complaint from a Farmington company that received this invoices, and we are familiar with complaints in other states about the same invoices from DNS Services of Vancouver, Washington,” Rubenstein said today. The Connecticut company indicates that it is not working with DNS in any way, and in addition to alerting our agency, has wisely refused to pay the invoice.”

“Businesses and other organizations should be on the lookout for “invoices” from ‘DNS Services’ and should not send payment,” Rubenstein said.

In order to avoid being defrauded by this or any other bogus invoices, the Department of Consumer Protection offers the following advice:  

  • Watch for solicitations disguised as bills. Fake invoices are sometimes marked with the notice ‘This is not a bill,’ or in the very small fine print will say, “This is a solicitation.”
  • Review all bills and invoices carefully. Be especially wary of any from companies that you are unfamiliar with.
  • Know the vendors you use regularly, and keep a list.
  • Make sure you have effective internal controls in place for the payment of invoices.
  • Verify all invoices with the person who authorized the purchase.


Anyone who has received an “invoice” for unordered, undelivered or unsolicited services is encouraged to notify the Department of Consumer Protection at or call 1-800-842-2649.



Media Contact: Claudette Carveth
