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Liquor Compliance Checks in Norwalk Identify 10 Stores Alleged to Have Sold to Minors

HARTFORD, December 5 -- On Friday, December 2, 2011 and Saturday, December 3, 2011 the Department of Consumer Protection Liquor Control Division and the Norwalk Police Department partnered to conduct citywide compliance checks of all package stores and grocery stores licensed to sell beer. 

Over the two-day operation, utilizing volunteer youths provided by the Governor’s Prevention Partnership, 67 stores were tested for compliance.  It is being alleged that ten (10) stores failed the test by selling to one of the youths.  The stores which allegedly failed the compliance test are identified as the following:

·                     Grandview Grocery, 47 Grandview Avenue

·                     City Supermarket, 717 West Avenue

·                     Maximo Deli and Grocery, 71 South Main Street

·                     Taste of Europe, 239 Westport Avenue

·                     R & G Grocery and Deli, 28 Wall Street

·                     North Main Convenience, 48 North Main Street

·                     Budget Liquor Shop, 542 West Avenue

·                     The Wine Cellar, 556 Westport Avenue

·                     Wall Street Liquor, 94 Wall Street

·                     Harbor View Wines and Spirits, 48 Main Street

These stores, which allegedly failed the compliance check, will have the opportunity to meet with the Liquor Control Commission prior to any administrative action.

“The holiday season is upon us and retailers must be especially vigilant to prevent minors from purchasing alcoholic beverages,” Consumer Protection Commissioner William M. Rubenstein said. “Not only because it’s the law, but also because it just might help to reduce or even prevent any tragic, senseless accidents on our roads this holiday.”

Of the 36 grocery stores tested in Norwalk, 30 passed and 6 are alleged to have failed. Of the 31 package stores tested in Norwalk, 27 passed and 4 are alleged to have failed.

Commissioner Rubenstein thanked Norwalk Police Chief Harry Rilling and the officers of the Norwalk Police Department for their participation and support in this enforcement effort.


Media Contact: Claudette Carveth