
CT Family First Prevention Plan approved by federal government!

Implementation planning is underway

Connecticut's Family First Prevention Plan has been approved by the federal government!  

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is excited to present the fully approved plan, which will strengthen the wellbeing of children by focusing on prevention and early intervention.  It is unique in its approach from others around the country, as supports are outlined not solely for families known to the Connecticut Department of Children and Families, but for any family experiencing specific behaviors, conditions, or circumstances, placing them at increased risk for maltreatment and involvement with the child welfare system. 

"We have reimagined our system to not only serve those families who come to our attention but have also taken a bold approach to develop supports for families upstream and within local communities, resulting in them actually being diverted from involvement with the child welfare agency," said Commissioner Dorantes.

This plan was made possible by the over 400 community partners who joined with us throughout this process.  We thank them for their partnership, particularly the parents and youth who dedicated time towards this process.  We hope you will stay up to date on all Family First news through our dedicated page, and we look forward to beginning implementation. 

Full Plan
Executive Summary (English)
Governor Ned Lamont's Announcement of Approval

Any questions or comments can be directed to DCF.CT.FAMILY.FIRST@ct.govWe want to reiterate our thanks to our many community partners.