The Capitol Area System

The Capitol Area System (CAS) Management Unit operates the CAS district heating and cooling loop in the Hartford Capitol District which services multiple buildings in the Capitol region, including the Legislative Office Building, the State Office Building at 165 Capitol Avenue, the Supreme Court, as well as non-state entities such as the Bushnell theater, totaling more than three million square feet of building space.

CAS provides:

  • Hot water for space heating
  • Domestic hot water production
  • Chilled water for space cooling

CAS Upgrade Project: The state recently undertook a decarbonization study outlining multiple options to increase efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint associated with the CAS facility. Based on this study, the state is moving forward with upgrades, including a combination of water source heat pumps and high-efficiency gas-fired hot water boilers.

Read CAS Decarbonization Study (PDF)  

What is the CAS 

CAS is a district heating and cooling loop that serves both State and private users in the Capitol area.

Executive Order 21-3 

Pursuant to Executive Order 21-3, the state has undertaken a decarbonization study outlining multiple options, with associated costs and energy savings. Based on this study the state is moving forward with a combination of water source heat pumps and high efficiency gas fired hot water boilers.

Whats being done in the near future 

The state has decided to implement option D.1.H from the decarbonization study. This includes a combination of water source heat pumps and high efficiency natural gas boilers. The next steps include the demolition of obsolete and unused equipment, and the removal of the turbines, generators and associated wiring, heat recovery steam generator, the old absorption chiller, and the old Zurn boiler to create the space for new equipment. 

CAS Map 

View a map of the area and buildings served by the CAS loop.

What buildings are part of the CAS? 

A total of 15 buildings are currently on the loop.

Project Documentation 

The preparation for the upcoming project to improve efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint at the CAS Loop has included a comprehensive decarbonization study and a specific process outlined in the Connecticut Environmental Policy Act (CEPA). The documentation for all of that work can be found here.

What type of fuel is used at the CAS? 

The Capitol Area System currently burns natural gas.