CTCDD Meeting 8-9-17

Minutes of the Special Meeting of the

CT Council on Developmental Disabilities

August 9, 2017


Council Chair Shelagh McClure called the meeting to order at 1:10. In attendance at the UCEDD were Chair Shelagh McClure, Vice Chair Chris Blake and members Brenda Stenglein, Kathy Wolkner, Rabbi James Rosen, and Danielle Webber. On the phone were members James Hexter and Kevin Daly. Joyce Lewis joined the meeting at 1:15. Patricia Richardson, Anne Gionet and Robin Wood joined by phone for a portion of the meeting. Non-voting member Gary Gross also attended at the UCEDD.


Shelagh explained that the purpose of the special meeting was to discuss a personnel matter concerning the selection of a new Council Director. A motion to go into Executive Session to discuss a personnel matter was made and seconded. The motion passed and the Council went into Executive Session at 1:15.


The Council exited Executive Session. A motion was made to accept the recommendation of the hiring committee to select Walter Glomb as the next Council Director. The Council approved the motion by a vote of 8-1.


A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Gary Gross and was seconded by Brenda Stenglein. The meeting was adjourned at 1:55.