CTCDD Meeting 7-25-17


CT Council on Developmental Disabilities


July 25, 2017, 10:14 a.m. - 1:26 p.m.

Temple Beth El, 2626 Albany Avenue, West Hartford, CT



The 208th meeting of the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities was held on Tuesday, July 25, 2017 from 10:14 a.m. to 1:26 p.m. at Temple Beth El in West Hartford, CT.

Presiding:  Shelagh McClure, Chair

Recorder of Minutes:  Donna Devin

Members Present:  Gary Gross, James Hexter, Shelagh McClure, Chair; Megan O’Neill, Patricia Richardson, James Rosen, Brenda Stenglein, Danielle Webber, Kathy Wolkner, Robin Wood, Michael Scanlon (non-voting member)

Members Absent:   Chris Blake, Vice Chair; April Burke, Michelle Chase, Kevin Daly, Ann Gionet, Alicia Kucharczyk, Joyce Lewis, Margaret McDermott, Sergio Rodriguez, Ellyn Little (non-voting member)

Staff:  Cathy Adamczyk, Donna Devin

Meeting Assistants:  Mio Galarza, Ellendar Mathis


1. Call to Order:  Shelagh McClure, Chair, welcomed everyone and started the meeting at 10:14 a.m. Since a quorum wasn't present, she began her report.


2. Report from Council Chair:  Shelagh McClure reported that the “Building a Great Life Documentary” aired on CPTV and was a huge success. Thirty thousand people tuned in to watch it, an exceptionally good showing for a locally televised show. The vignettes also had a good audience response. In addition, approximately 130 people attended the advance screening of the documentary on Wednesday evening, May 10th at the N.E.A.T. Center in Hartford. The link to the documentary can be found on the Council's website.


Shelagh McClure testified on 10 legislative bills on behalf of the Council. These bills were separate and apart from budget related bills. The overall testimony was successful in preventing them from passing, which was the purpose of the testimony.


There were large gatherings of organizations inside and outside of the Legislative Office Building and Capitol on Tuesday, July 18th for the "Save Our Services” rally day. They were there to make sure their voices were heard on issues concerning individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.


The ABLE Act Committee is close to selecting the state whose program Connecticut would join.


The Council plans to select a new Executive Director for the Council in August.


3. Call to Order:  With a quorum present, Shelagh McClure officially called the meeting to order at 11:01 a.m.


4. Approval of Agenda:  Robin Wood motioned to approve the revised agenda, which changed the order of items addressed due to the lack of a quorum. Jim Rosen seconded the motion. The revised agenda was approved unanimously.


5. Approval of May 9, 2017 Minutes:  Brenda Stenglein motioned to approve the minutes from the May 9th Council meeting. The motion was seconded by James Hexter. The minutes were approved. Robin Wood abstained.


6. Report from Acting Director:  Cathy Adamczyk, Acting Director, gave the Director's report. At the NACDD Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, UT, much of the focus was on the "Partners for Innovation, Inclusion and Independence", a Federal proposal that would place the DD Council, Centers for Independent Living and Brain Injury Associations and their funding streams under one umbrella. A positive Cathy took away from the conference was knowing that all 56 DD Councils and territories share the same goals and the impact at the state and national level is being felt with consistent messaging.

The Council also sponsored the People First Conference, which received very favorable feedback, and the National Sibling Leadership Network Conference. The Sibling Conference was held on the weekend of June 24th in Hartford. CT residents who attended the event were very grateful for the Council's sponsorship. Those in attendance were given the opportunity to network, and share sibling experiences with other siblings, some for the first time in their lives.


The Connecticut group is talking about applying for 501C3 status for their newly formed Chapter of the Sibling Leadership Network. They talked about plans to have a statewide conference in that fall of 2018.


Cathy reviewed the budget with the Council.


7. Council Vote on Processing Next Payment for CT KASA Initiative Funding:  James Hexter made a motion to approve payment for the CT KASA program. Gary Gross seconded the motion. All approved.


8. Council Vote on Processing Next Payment for PATH Community of Practice Initiative Funding:  Shelagh McClure asked for a motion to approve the next payment for the PATH Community of Practice initiative. The payment is contingent on their supplying data to the Council and following up on participants of their family training sessions. Jim Rosen made a motion to approve payment for the PATH Community of Practice program. Brenda Stenglein seconded the motion. All approved.


9. Jim Rosen made a motion for adjournment. Brenda Stenglein seconded the motion.  The meeting adjourned at 1:26 p.m. The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 in West Hartford. It will be the Council's Annual Meeting.