


Regular Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

(Online via Microsoft Teams)


The 227th meeting of the CT Council on Developmental Disabilities was held on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 from 10:04 a.m. to 1:06 p.m. on Microsoft Teams.

Presiding:  James Hexter, Chair

Recorder of Minutes:  Donna Devin, Program Assistant

Voting Members Present:  Chuck Bergamo; Vice Chair, April Burke, Kevin Daly, Antonia Edwards, Ann Gionet, James Hexter; Chair, Bryan Klimkiewicz, Joyce Lewis, Ellyn Little, Patricia Richardson, Lauren Traceski, Brenda Stenglein,


Members Absent:  Mary Beth Bruder, Louis St. Felix,

New Non-Voting Council Members Present:  Emily Ball, Michelle Baughman, Andy Cirioli III, Doris Maldonado, Alfred Piehl, Kaitlynn Ramos

Staff:  Walter Glomb, Director

Members of the Public:  Jennifer Jenkins, Bob Joondeph, Lisa Nee 

1. Call to Order:  With a quorum present, James Hexter, Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m.

2. Public Comment:  Lisa Nee, the parent of a child with a disability spoke to the Council. She complimented the Council on all the great work they are doing. Her concern is enough isn’t being done by state schools to ensure classes are truly inclusive and in the least restrictive environment for students who range from 3-18 years of age. She cited the lack of programs for students with developmental disabilities within the technical high schools.

3. Approval of Agenda:April Burke motioned to approve the agenda. Ellyn Little seconded the motion. The agenda was approved.

4. Approval of September 8, 2020 Annual Meeting Minutes:  April Burke motioned to approve the minutes. The motion was seconded by Ellyn Little. The minutes were approved.

5. Remarks from the Council Chair:James Hexter, Chair, gave an update on the ABLE Act (Achieving a Better Life Experience program). On October 18, 2020, Connecticut opened their own ABLE Act program.

6. Report from the Council Director:  Walter Glomb, Council Director, gave the Director’s report. The Council continues to pursue its objective to Close Southbury Training School. Activities are also being planned by People First of Connecticut to encourage the state to close the institution. Success stories about some of its former residents, who moved into the community, will be posted on the new Building a Great Life website.

The Arc of Connecticut, PATH Family Voices and the UCONN UCEDD met with Walt to plan collaborative programs for the promotion of Self Directed Services; Post-Secondary Education; and Supported Decision Making as an alternative to guardianship. Common training materials are being produced from the sharing of resources by the organizations.

The UCONN UCEDD is setting up the new Building a Great Life “brand” and its new website. The program hosted its first webinar in October, where Dr. Erik Carter, Cornelius Vanderbilt Professor of Special Education at Vanderbilt University, spoke on Building a Great Life in Our Schools and Communities. Nearly 60 people were in attendance. A schedule of future webinars is posted on the website. There is hope for an in-person conference to be held on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at the Hartford Marriott in Farmington.

The UCONN UCEDD is recruiting students for the 2021 Class of Partners in Policymaking. Currently, an online program is being developed until classes can meet in-person without health risk.

The Cross Disability Alliance held a well-attended Candidates’ Forum on October 7th online, via Zoom. They also wrote or signed on to numerous letters to the governor regarding the treatment of people with disabilities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The Parent Leadership & Encouragement Group has been holding their meetings online, but attendance is low due to parents not having internet access and/or training in the technology used for the online meetings. Walt, the Council’s Director arranged a meeting with The Arc of Connecticut, PATH Family Voices and the UCONN UCEDD, to discuss ways of connecting the parents with disabilities group to other larger advocacy organizations that could give strengthen them.

Leslie McNabb was hired by People First of Connecticut to serve as their new Advisor. They are holding regular meetings online via Zoom. Already, they have created new committees and have activities planned for the upcoming year.

The introduction of the new Customized Employment Program has been delayed due to the Covid-19 crisis. It was to be offered by the Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS, and now within the CT Department of Aging and Disability Services), and the Department of Developmental Services (DDS). To fill the void, Dr. Linda Rammler from UCONN UCEDD is designing a customized employment DIY ‘do it yourself’ kit for individuals and their families.

Livable Communities will be a feature on the Building a Great Life website, Residents with disabilities will be able to take an online survey to show where improvements need to be made in their communities to ensure inclusivity.

Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic caused Goodwin University to postpone the start of its Comprehensive Transition Program (CTP). The Post-Secondary Education Program won’t begin until the fall of 2021. A template or design for the program is being documented and assembled by Dr. Linda Rammler for use by other colleges and universities in creating a CTP program.

Walt, the Council’s Director, will soon resume his On Demand Transportation discussions with Richard Andreski, Bureau Chief of Public Transportation at the CT Department of Transportation. Meetings were discontinued due to Covid-19.

CT-KASA continues to meet online.

The detailed review and analysis of Housing for people with developmental disabilities in Connecticut was completed in July. It showed that for most people, the best solution was policy proposals by Governor Lamont and by Senator Anwar, for fair and affordable housing through state regulation of local zoning laws. To accomplish this objective, the Council needs to work with the Office of the Governor, Senator Anwar, the Partnership for Strong Communities, and similar groups, to support legislative proposals that target local zoning restrictions. Currently, the state has numerous programs in place to support people with disabilities living in their own homes, but there is a great shortage of affordable housing options. Walt will reach out to Senator Anwar’s Office and monitor the legislation.

Although it is unknow what effective Covid-19 will have on the upcoming Connecticut Legislature session that begins in January of 2021, it is a long session for them. The Council will have to watch carefully what rules are put in place, due to the backlog of legislation caused by the pandemic and the fact that 2021 is a budget approval year. Walt is keeping close tabs on the situation to see how or in what format, safe public hearings and committee meetings will occur in the future.

7. Budget Report:The Council’s Disability Policy Specialist is on medical leave. The budget is on track and staff continues to look for opportunities to save money and cut back on costs whenever possible.

8. COVID-19 Update:Governor Lamont’s Office has formed a committee to create a plan for the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine when it becomes available, hopefully in the spring. The Council discussed the need for high risk individuals with disabilities, living in the community, to receive the vaccine in a timely manner. Council Members will speak to their Legislators about their concerns.

9. Discussion of Five-Year Plan Development and Process: Suggestions were made for objectives and goals for the new Five-Year Plan.

10. Discussion of Training for Council Members:A virtual orientation and training session is being planned with Sheryl Matney, Director of Technical Assistance at the Information and Technical Assistance Center for Councils on Developmental Disabilities (ITACC).

11. Announcements and Adjournment:  Ellyn Little made a motion for adjournment. Antonia Edwards seconded the motion. The meeting concluded at 1:06 p.m. The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 12, 2020 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.